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A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle

A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle

Titel: A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: George R.R. Martin
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give tonight, he saw that plain enough.
He kissed her cheek where he’d struck her, to take some sting from the blow.
“I will send for you.”
    Varys was waiting in the stables, as promised. His horse looked spavined and
half-dead. Tyrion mounted up; one of the sellswords opened the gates. They rode
out in silence.
Why did I tell her about Tysha, gods help me?
asked himself, suddenly afraid. There were some secrets that should never be
spoken, some shames a man should take to his grave. What did he want from her,
forgiveness? The way she had looked at him, what did that mean? Did she hate
the thought of scouring pots that much, or was it his

How could I tell her that and still think she would love
part of him said, and another part mocked, saying,
Fool of a
dwarf, it is only the gold and jewels the whore loves.
    His scarred elbow was throbbing, jarred every time the horse set down a hoof.
Sometimes he could almost fancy he heard the bones grinding together inside.
Perhaps he should see a maester, get some potion for the
pain . . . but since Pycelle had revealed himself for what he
was, Tyrion Lannister mistrusted the maesters. The gods only knew who they were
conspiring with, or what they had mixed in those potions they gave you.
“Varys,” he said. “I need to bring Shae into the castle without Cersei
becoming aware.” Briefly, he sketched out his kitchen scheme.
    When he was done, the eunuch made a little clucking sound. “I will do as my
lord commands, of course . . . but I must warn you, the
kitchens are full of eyes and ears. Even if the girl falls under no particular
suspicion, she will be subject to a thousand questions. Where was she born? Who
were her parents? How did she come to King’s Landing? The truth will never do,
so she must lie . . . and lie, and lie.” He glanced down at
Tyrion. “And such a pretty young kitchen wench will incite lust as well as
curiosity. She will be touched, pinched, patted, and fondled. Pot boys will
crawl under her blankets of a night. Some lonely cook may seek to wed her.
Bakers will knead her breasts with floured hands.”
    â€œI’d sooner have her fondled than stabbed,” said Tyrion.
    Varys rode on a few paces and said, “It might be that there is another way. As
it happens, the maidservant who attends Lady

Tanda’s daughter has been filching her jewels. Were I to inform Lady Tanda, she
would be forced to dismiss the girl at once. And the daughter would require a
new maidservant.”
    â€œI see.” This had possibilities, Tyrion saw at once. A lady’s bedmaid wore
finer garb than a scullion, and often even a jewel or two. Shae should be
pleased by that. And Cersei thought Lady Tanda tedious and hysterical, and
Lollys a bovine lackwit. She was not like to pay them any friendly
    â€œLollys is timid and trusting,” Varys said. “She will accept any tale she is
told. Since the mob took her maidenhood she is afraid to leave her chambers, so
Shae will be out of sight . . . but conveniently close, should
you have need of comfort.”
    â€œThe Tower of the Hand is watched, you know as well as I. Cersei would be
certain to grow curious if Lollys’s bedmaid starting paying me
    â€œI might be able to slip the child into your bedchamber unseen. Chataya’s is
not the only house to boast a hidden door.”
    â€œA secret access? To
chambers?” Tyrion was more annoyed than
surprised. Why else would Maegor the Cruel have ordered death for all the
builders who had worked on his castle, except to preserve such secrets? “Yes,
I suppose there would be. Where will I find the door? In my solar? My
    â€œMy friend, you would not force me to reveal
my little secrets,
would you?”
    â€œHenceforth think of them as
little secrets, Varys.” Tyrion
glanced up at the eunuch in his smelly mummer’s garb.

“Assuming you
on my side . . .”
    â€œCan you doubt it?”
    â€œWhy no, I trust you implicitly.” A bitter laugh echoed off the shuttered
windows. “I trust you like one of my own blood, in truth. Now tell me how
Cortnay Penrose died.”
    â€œIt is said that he threw himself from a tower.”
No, I will not believe that!”
    â€œHis guards saw no man enter his

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