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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
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Gothos tells. Extinct even before the rise of the Jaghut, the T'lan Imass, the Forkrul Assail.
    Truth? Ah, if so, then these stones were laid down half a million – perhaps more – years ago. In the opinion of this chronicler, what utter nonsense.
    My Endless Travels
Esslee Monot (the Dubious)
    'How do you measure a life, Toc the Younger? Please, darling, I would hear your thoughts. Deeds are the crudest measure of all, wouldn't you say?'
    He cast her a glower as they walked. 'You suggesting that good intentions are enough, Lady?'
    Envy shrugged. 'Can no value be found in good intentions?'
    'What, precisely, are you trying to justify? And to me, or yourself ?'
    She glared, then quickened her pace. 'You're no fun at all,' she sniffed as she pulled ahead, 'and presumptuous as well. I'm going to talk with Tool – his moods don't swing!'
    No, they just hang there, twisting in the wind.
    Not entirely true, he realized after a moment. The T'lan Imass had showed the fullest measure of his emotions a week past. With his sister's departure. None of us are immune to tortured hearts, I guess. He rested a hand on Baaljagg's shoulder, squinted towards the distant ridgeline to the northeast, and the washed-out mountains beyond.
    The ridge marked the borders of the Pannion Domin. There was a city at the foot of those mountains, or so the Lady had assured him. Bastion. An ominous name. And strangers aren't welcome . . . So why in Hood's name are we heading there?
    Onearm's Host had effectively declared war on the theocratic empire. Tool's knowledge of the details had Toc wondering, but not doubting. Every description of the Pannion Domin simply added fuel to the likelihood of Dujek taking ... umbrage. The old High Fist despised tyranny. Which is ironic, since the Emperor was a tyrant . . . I think. Then again, maybe not. Despotic, sure, and mono-maniacal, even slightly insane ... He scowled, glanced back to the three Seguleh trailing him. Glittering eyes within hard masks. Toc resumed his study of the ridge ahead, shivering.
    Something's awry, somewhere. Maybe right here. Since her return from Callows, with Mok in tow and his mask sporting a crimson, thickly planted kiss – Hood's breath, does the man even know? If I was Senu or Thurule, would I dare tell him? Since her return, yes, there's been a change. A skittery look in her eyes – just the occasional flash, but I'm not mistaken. The stakes have been raised, and I'm in a game I don't even know. I don't know the players ranged against me, either.
    He blinked suddenly, finding Lady Envy walking alongside him once again. 'Tool say the wrong thing?' he asked.
    Her nose wrinkled in distaste. 'Haven't you ever wondered what the undead think about, Toc the Younger?'
    'No. That is, I don't ever recall musing on the subject, Lady.'
    'They had gods, once, you know.'
    He shot her a glance. 'Oh?'
    'Well. Spirits, then. Earth and rock and tree and beast and sun and stars and antler and bone and blood—'
    'Yes, yes, Lady, I grasp the theme.'
    'Your interruptions are most rude, young man – are you typical of your generation? If so, then the world is indeed on a downward spiral into the Abyss. Spirits, I was saying. All extinct now. All nothing more than dust. The Imass have outlasted their own deities. Difficult to imagine, but they are godless in every sense, Toc the Younger. Faith ... now ashes. Answer me this, my dear, do you envisage your afterlife?'
    He grunted. 'Hood's gate? In truth, I avoid thinking about it, Lady. What's the point? We die and our soul passes through. I suppose it's up to Hood or one of his minions to decide what to do with it, if anything.'
    Her eyes flashed. 'If anything. Yes.'
    A chill prickled Toc's skin.
    'What would you do,' Lady Envy asked, 'with the knowledge that Hood does nothing with your soul? That it's left to wander, eternally lost, purposeless? That it exists without hope, without dreams?'
    'Do you speak the truth, Lady? Is this knowledge you possess? Or are you simply baiting me?'
    'I am baiting you, of course, my young love. How would I know anything of Hood's hoary realm? Then again, think of the physical manifestations of that warren – the cemeteries in your cities, the forlorn and forgotten barrows – not places conducive to festive occasions, yes? Think of all of Hood's host of holidays and celebrations. Swarming flies, blood-covered acolytes, cackling crows and faces stained with the ash from cremations – I don't know about you,

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