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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
nobody's come by for a while now. Which was my point in the first place.'
    'Doesn't mean we should up and walk away. Besides, here's somebody coming now ...'
    The other marine twisted in her seat. After a moment, she grunted. 'Nobody we're supposed to report to. Hood knows, I don't even recognize 'em.'
    'Sure you do. One, anyway. That's the Trygalle trader-sorceress, Haradas.'
    'The other's a soldier, I'd say. An Elin lass, nice sway to the hips—'
    'Hard face, though.'
    'Eyes fulla hurt. Could be one of them Grey Swords – saw her at the parley.'
    'Yeah, well, they're coming our way.'
    'So am I,' a voice spoke from a few paces to their left. The marines turned to see that Silverfox was joining them. 'This is a fell thing,' she murmured.
    'Oh, what's that?' one of the marines asked her.
    'A gathering of women.'
    The soldier grunted. 'We ain't gonna gossip, are we?'
    Silverfox smiled at the facetious tone. 'Among the Rhivi, it's the men who do all the gossiping. The women are too busy giving them things to gossip about.'
    'Huh. That's a surprise. I would've thought there'd be all kind of ancient laws against adultery and such. Banishment, stoning, it's what tribes do, ain't it?'
    'Not the Rhivi. Bedding the wrong husbands is great sport. For the women, that is. The men take it all too seriously, of course.'
    'They take everything too seriously, if you ask me,' the marine muttered.
    'Self-importance will do that,' Silverfox replied, nodding.
    Haradas and her companion arrived. In their wake, still sixty paces distant, a Barghast was approaching as well.
    The trader-sorceress bowed to Silverfox, then the two Malazans. 'Dusk is a magical time, is it not?'
    'What would you ask?' Silverfox drawled.
    'A question born of a thought, Bonecaster, that but recently came to me, hence my coming to you.'
    'You've been around Kruppe too long, Haradas.'
    'Perhaps. Issues of supply continue to plague these armies, as you well know. At the parley, the White Face Barghast offered to provide a fair portion of what will be required. Despite their confidence, I believe that they too will find their resources stretched before long—'
    'You would enquire of Tellann,' Silverfox said.
    'Ah, indeed, I would. The warren of the T'lan Imass must surely remain ... uninfected, after all. Could our guild respectfully employ its path—'
    'Uninfected. Yes, it so remains. None the less, there is within Tellann the potential for violence, for risk to your caravans.'
    Haradas's brows rose. 'It is assailed?'
    'In a fashion. The Throne of the Beast Hold is ... contested. There are renegades among the T'lan Imass. The Vow is weakening.'
    The sorceress sighed. 'I thank you for the warning, Bonecaster. Risk, of course, is factored in when it comes to the Trygalle Trade Guild. Thus, the usurious fees we charge for our services. Will you then permit us the use of Tellann?'
    Silverfox shrugged. 'I see no reason why not. Have you the means to fashion a portal into our warren? If not, I can—'
    'No need, Bonecaster,' Haradas said with a faint smile. 'We have long since found such means, yet in respect to the T'lan Imass, and given the accessibility of less ... uncivilized . . . warrens, such portals were never employed.'
    Silverfox studied the sorceress for a long moment. 'Remarkable. I can only conclude that the Trygalle Trade Guild is run by a cabal of High Mages, of singular prowess. Do you know that not even the Malazan Empire's most powerful, most knowledgeable mages were ever successful in penetrating the secrets of Tellann? I would like to meet your guild's founders one day.'
    Haradas's smile broadened. 'I am sure they would be delighted and indeed honoured by your company, Bonecaster.'
    'You are perhaps too generous on their behalf, Sorceress.'
    'Not in the least, I assure you. I am pleased that the matter has been concluded so effortlessly—'
    'We're a fell gathering indeed,' Silverfox murmured.
    Haradas blinked, then recovered and continued, 'So that I may now introduce you to the new Shield Anvil of the Grey Swords, Captain Norul.'
    The soldier bowed. 'Bonecaster.' The woman hesitated, then her expression hardened with resolve. 'The Grey Swords are sworn to Togg, Wolf of Winter, and to Fanderay, She-Wolf of Winter.'
    'Interesting choices,' Silverfox said. 'Lovers lost for all eternity, yet in your twice-sworn company, united in spirit. A bold and courageous gesture, Shield Anvil.'
    'Bonecaster, Togg and Fanderay are no longer lost to each other.

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