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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
but the flowering head of a plant whose stalk is the commonalty, and it is the commonalty whose roots are within the earth, drawing the necessary sustenance that maintains the flower. The Tenescowri, sir, is the Domin's surviving commonalty – people torn from their land, from their villages, their homes, their farms. All food production has ceased, and in its place has arisen the horror of cannibalism. The countryside before us is indeed razed, but not in answer to us. It has been a wasteland for some time, sir. Thus, while the flower still blazes its colour, it is in fact already dead.'
    'Drying from a hook beneath the Crippled God's shelf?'
    Itkovian shrugged. 'Caladan Brood and the High Fist have selected cities as their destinations. Lest, Setta, Maurik and Coral. Of these, I believe only the last still lives. None of the others would be able to feed a defending army; indeed, not even its own citizenry – if any still remain. The Seer has no choice but to concentrate his forces on the one city where he now resides, and his soldiers will have no choice but to assume the practices of the Tenescowri. I suspect that the Tenescowri were created for that eventual purpose – as food for the soldiers.'
    Gruntle's expression was troubled. 'What you describe, Itkovian, is an empire that was never meant to sustain itself.'
    'Unless it could continue to expand without surcease.'
    'But even then, it would be alive only on its outer, ever-advancing edges, spreading out from a dead core, a core that grew with it.'
    Itkovian nodded. 'Aye, sir.'
    'So, if Brood and Dujek are expecting battles at Setta, Lest and Maurik, they may be in for a surprise.'
    'So I believe.'
    'Those Malazans will end up doing a lot of pointless marching,' Gruntle observed, 'if you're right.'
    'Perhaps there are other issues sufficient to justify the division of forces, Mortal Sword.'
    'Not quite as united as they would have us believe?'
    'There are powerful leaders gathered within that command, sir. It is perhaps miraculous that a serious clash of wills has not yet occurred.'
    Gruntle said nothing for a time.
    The broad wicker platforms were being anchored in place at the front of the barge, a company of mercenaries assembling the walkway with practised efficiency.
    'Let us hope, then,' he finally rumbled, 'the siege at Coral is not a long one.'
    'It will not be,' Itkovian asserted. 'I predict a single attack, intended to overwhelm. A combination of soldiery and sorcery. The massive sundering of defences is the intention of the warlord and the High Fist. Both are well aware of the risks inherent in any prolonged investment.'
    'Sounds messy, Itkovian.'
    Stonny Menackis came up behind them, leading her horse. 'Get moving, you two – you're holding us all up and this damned barge is settling. If I get any mud on these new clothes, I will kill whoever's to blame. Barbed or otherwise.'
    Itkovian smiled. 'I'd intended complimenting you on your garb—'
    'The wonders of the Trygalle. Made to order by my favourite tailor in Darujhistan.'
    'You seem to favour green, sir.'
    'Ever seen a jaelparda?'
    Itkovian nodded. 'Such snakes are known in Elingarth.'
    'Deadly kissers, jaelparda. This green is a perfect match, isn't it? It'd better be. It's what I paid for and it wasn't cheap. And this pale gold – you see? Lining the cloak? Ever looked at the underbelly of a white paralt?'
    'The spider?'
    'The death-tickler, aye. This is the colour.'
    'I could not have mistaken it for otherwise,' Itkovian replied.
    'Good, I'm glad someone here understands the subtle nuances of high civilization. Now move your damned horse or what you ain't used for far too long will get introduced to the toe of my shiny new boot.'
    'Yes, sir.'
    Corporal Picker watched Detoran drag Hedge towards her tent. The two passed in silence along the very edge of the firepit's light. Before they vanished once more into the gloom, Picker was witness to a comic pantomime as Hedge, the skin of his face stretched taut in a wild grimace, sought to bolt in an effort to escape Detoran. She responded by reaching up to grip the man's throat and shaking his head back and forth until his struggles ceased.
    After they'd disappeared, Blend grunted. 'What night thankfully hides ...'
    'Not well enough, alas,' Picker muttered, poking at the fire with a splintered spear-shaft.
    'Well, she'll probably be gagging him right now, then ripping off his—'
    'All right all right, I take your point.'

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