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A Memory of Light

A Memory of Light

Titel: A Memory of Light Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Jordan , Brandon Sanderson
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Min said. “A death lily. Someone is going to try to kill her very soon.”
    Mat froze. Fortuona turned sharply.
    Min didn’t realize that two guards were moving until they had her pressed against the ground. They were the odd ones in the black armor— though now that she was close, Min could see it was actually a dark green.
    Idiot, she thought as they pressed her face against the floor. I should have let Mat pull me from the room first. She hadn’t made a mistake like that— speaking of one of her viewings loud enough for others to hear—in years. What was wrong with her?
    “Stop!” Mat said. “Let her up!”
    Mat might have been elevated to the Blood, but the guards obviously had no problem ignoring a direct order from him.
    “How does she know this, Knotai?” Fortuona asked, stepping up to Mat. She sounded angry. Perhaps disappointed. “What is happening?”
    “It’s not what you assume, Tuon,” Mat said.
    No, don’t —
    “She sees things,” Mat continued. “It’s nothing to get all angry about. It’s just a trick of the Pattern, Tuon. Min sees visions around people, like little pictures. She didn’t mean anything by what she said.” He laughed. It was forced.
    The room grew very still. It was so quiet, Min could once again hear the explosions in the distance.
    “Doomseer,” Fortuona whispered.
    The guards suddenly let her free, backing away. Min groaned, sitting up. The guards had moved to protect the Empress, but one who had touched her pulled his gauntlets off and tossed them to the ground. He wiped his hand against his breastplate, as if trying to clean his skin of something.
    Fortuona didn’t seem afraid. She stepped up to Min, lips parting, almost in awe. The young Empress reached out and touched Min’s face. “What he says ... it is true?”
    “Yes,” Min said, grudgingly.
    “What do you see around me?” Fortuona said. “Speak it, Doomseer. I would know your omens, and judge you true or false!”
    That sounded dangerous. “I see a bloody death lily, as I told Mat,” Min said. “And three ships, sailing. An insect in the darkness. Red lights, spread across a field that should be lush and ripe. A man with the teeth of a wolf.” Fortuona drew in a sharp breath. She looked up at Mat. “This is a great gift you have brought me, Knotai. Enough to pay your penance. Enough for credit beyond. Such a grand gift.”
    “Well . . . I . . ”
    “I don’t belong to anyone,” Min said. “Except maybe Rand, and him to me.”
    Fortuona ignored her, standing. “This woman is my new Soe’feia. Doomseer, Truthspeaker! Holy woman, she who may not be touched. We have been blessed. Let it be known. The Crystal Throne has not had a true reader of the omens for over three centuries!”
    Min sat, stunned, until Mat pulled her to her feet. “Is that a good thing?” she whispered to him.
    “I’ll be bloody in the face if I know,” Mat said back. “But you remember what I said about getting away from her? Well, you can probably forget about that now.”


    Too Many Men

    L ord Agelmar sent us directly,” the Arafellin said to Lan. The man kept glancing toward the front line, where his companions fought for their lives.
    Thunder shook the battlefield here in Shienar. The scent of burnt flesh was pungent in the air, alongside burnt hair. The Dreadlords didn’t care if their attacks killed Trollocs, so long as they hit men as well.
    “You’re certain?” Lan asked from horseback.
    “Of course, Dai Shan,” the man said. He wore his braids long, the bells painted red for some reason Lan did not understand. Something to do with the Arafellin Houses and their approach to the Last Battle. “If I lie, let me be whipped a hundred times and left in the sun. I was surprised by the order, as I thought my men were to guard the flanks. Not only did the messenger have the proper passwords, but the man I sent to the command tent returned to confirm.”
    “Thank you, Captain,” Lan said, waving for him to go back to his men. He glanced at Andere and Prince Kaisel, both of whom sat nearby, looking confused. They had listened to Lan interrogate the Kandori banner leader just before this, and that man had made similar assertions.
    Lord Agelmar had sent them both. Two reserve forces, sent separately, neither knowing the other was going to the same place. A cool breeze blew across the river to Lan’s right as he turned and rode toward the back lines.
    The lands heat soon smothered that

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