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A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring)

A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring)

Titel: A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Morgan Rice
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blond hair and bright green eyes, wearing the most
beautiful royal armor: chainmail covered with scarlet and black
markings—another member of the King’s family.
    “Impossible,” the general said.
“The royal family does not partner with commoners.”
    “I can do as I choose,” the boy
shot back. “And I say that Thorgrin will be my partner.”
    “Even if we sanctioned it,” the
general said. “It does not matter. He has no knight to sponsor him.”
    “I shall sponsor him,” came a
    Everyone turned in the other
direction, and there came a muffled gasp amongst the others.
    Thor turned to see a knight,
mounted on a horse, bedecked in the beautiful, gleaming armor and wearing all
manner of weaponry on his belt. He positively shined—it was like looking at the
sun. Thor could tell by his demeanor, his bearing, and by the markings on his
helmet, that he was different than the others. He was a champion.
    Thor recognized this knight. He
had seen paintings of him, and had heard of his legend. Erec. He couldn’t
believe it. He was the greatest knight in the Ring.
    “But my lord, you already have a
squire,” the general protested.
    “Then I shall have two,” Erec
answered, in a deep, confident voice.
    A stunned silence pervaded the
    “Then there is nothing left to
say,” Kendrick said. “Thorgrin has a sponsor and a partner. The matter is
resolved. He is now a member of the Legion.”
    “But you have forgotten about
me!” the King’s guard screamed, stepping forward. “None of this excuses the
fact that the boy has struck a member of the King’s guard, and that he must be
punished. Justice must be done!”
    “Justice will be done,” Kendrick
responded, steely. “But it will be at my discretion. Not yours.”
    “But my liege, he must be put in
the stocks! An example must be made of him!”
    “If you keep up your talk, then you shall be the one going to the stocks,” Kendrick said back to the guard, glaring
him down, steel in his voice.
    Finally, the guard backed down;
reluctantly, he turned and walked away, red-faced, glaring at Thor.
    “Then it is official,” Kendrick
called out in a loud voice. “Welcome, Thorgrin, to the King’s Legion!”
    The crowd of knights and boys let
out a cheer. They then turned away, back to their training.
    Thor felt numb with shock. He
could hardly believe it. He was now a member of the King’s Legion. It was like
a dream.
    Thor turned to Kendrick, more
grateful to him than he could ever say. He had never had anyone in his life
before who cared about him, who went out of his way to look out for him, to
protect him. It was a funny feeling. He already felt closer to this man than to
his own father.
    “I don’t know how to thank you,”
Thor said. “I am deeply indebted to you.”
    Kendrick smiled down. “Kendrick
is my name. You shall get to know it well. I am the King’s eldest son. I admire
your courage. You shall be a fine addition to this lot.”
    Kendrick turned and hurried off,
and as he did, the huge boy Thor had fought shuffled by.
    “Watch your back,” the boy said.
“We sleep in the same barracks, you know. And don’t think for a moment you’re
    The boy turned and stormed off
before Thor could respond; he had already made an enemy.
    He was beginning to wonder what
was in store for him here, when the King’s youngest son hurried over to him.
    “Don’t mind him,” he said to
Thor. “He’s always picking fights. I’m Reece.”
    “Thank you,” Thor said, reaching
out his hand, “for choosing me as your partner. I don’t know what I would have
done without it.”
    “I’m happy to choose anyone who
stands up to that brute,” Reece said happily. “That was a nice fight.”
    “Are you kidding?” Thor asked,
wiping dried blood from his face and feeling his welt swell up. “He killed me.”
    “But you didn’t give up,” Reece
said. “Impressive. Any of the others of us would have just stayed down. And
that was one hell of a spear throw. How did you learn to throw like that? We
shall be partners for life!” He looked at Thor meaningfully as he shook his
hand. “And friends, too. I can sense it.”
    As Thor shook his hand, he
couldn’t help but feel that he was making a lifelong friend.
    Suddenly, he was poked from the
    He spun and saw an older boy
standing there, with pockmarked skin and a long and narrow face.
    “I am Feithgold. Erec’s squire.
You are now his second squire. Which means you

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