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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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her softness. His body arched violently and his shout of satisfaction filled the room.
    For a long time there was only the flicker of firelight and the crackle of burning wood. Rebecca felt warm and safe, tucked way from reality. She nestled against Kyle’s lean, strong body and refused to think of the future. Tonight all was as it should be.
    Kyle’s mouth curved faintly as he watched her. After a little while he got to his feet, picked her up in his arms and carried her down the hall to his bedroom.

    The dawn light filtered slowly through the window. Kyle awoke and lay quietly for a moment, watching the sunrise as he had every morning in his lonely childhood. But this morning everything was different. This morning he was no longer alone.
    The comfortable, sensual, delightfully familiar warmth of the woman lying next to him was having the usual effect on him. He realized he was already addicted to the pleasures of waking up beside Rebecca.
    He turned on his side and trailed his hand lightly down her shoulder and over her thigh. She stirred and stretched like a sleek little seal. Then she turned her head on the pillow and looked up at him from under half-closed lashes.
    „It can’t be morning already,“ Rebecca said.
    „It is. But we’re in no rush.“
    She yawned. „Then why did you wake me?“
    „Courtesy. I thought you’d like to be awake when I make love to you.“ He kissed her shoulder, indulging himself in the taste of her.
    „Thoughtful of you, but I assure you there’s very little chance I could sleep through your love-making.“ Her amber eyes glinted at him from beneath her long lashes.
    „Why, thank you, ma’am,“ he drawled in his best cowboy twang. „I’ll take that as a compliment. Us country boys do our best, but it’s always nice to hear a sophisticated city girl like yourself say she appreciates the effort.“
    „Just keep up the good work and I’m sure you’ll go far.“ She glanced around the room, taking in the dark, solid furnishings and bare walls. „Do you spend a lot of time here, Kyle?“
    He followed her gaze. „Not as much as I’d like. I’ve been busy for the past few years.“
    „Yes, I know. Building your company.“ Rebecca sat up slowly, hugging her knees.
    He frowned. „You say that as if it were a crime. A firm like Flaming Luck Enterprises doesn’t get where it is without a lot of hard work.“
    She shook her head quickly. „I know that.“
    „You don’t sound very approving.“
    „It’s just that you tend to get obsessed with things, Kyle. Your company, Harmony Valley…“
    „And you,“ he growled, reaching out to pull her back down beside him. He leaned over her. „I’m obsessed with you, Becky. I’ve wanted you since the first day I saw you. And I’m going to make damned sure you believe me. I meant what I said last night. Sell the valley to Ballard, if that’s what it will take to make you realize you’re more important to me than that hunk of land.“
    She lay quietly staring up at him for a long moment. „It’s all right. We don’t have to play this game.“
    He was momentarily baffled. „What game?“
    She moved her head slowly on the pillow, a wry smile touching her soft mouth. „You know what I’m talking about.
    All that nonsense about encouraging me to sell the valley to Glen Ballard. You know me well enough to guess I’d never take you up on it. Just like you knew I’d never really sell the valley to some weird cult. I’d never ask you to prove yourself that way.“
    Kyle couldn’t quite stifle the rush of relief that went through him, but he still didn’t understand what she was saying. „Let me get this straight. You’re not going to sell to Ballard after all?“
    „You know I would never turn all of Harmony Valley over to him. Deep down, I’m sure you’ve known that all along.
    Isn’t that why you made the grand gesture last night? Because you knew I wouldn’t take you up on it?“
    Kyle finally realized just what she was thinking. Righteous indignation flared within him. „You think I was faking it?
    You don’t believe I meant it when I said to sell the land to Ballard if that would prove I wanted you?“
    She touched his shoulder, her fingers gentle on his skin. „I’ve worked for you for over two months, Kyle. You are one savvy poker player when it comes to business games. But I’ve seen you bluff before.“
    „I was not bluffing, damn it!“ Kyle caught her wrists and pinned them above her head.

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