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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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    Kyle came down the row of booths with his usual no-nonsense stride. He paid no attention to the waves of curiosity that filled the room.
    „I’ve been looking for you,“ he said to Rebecca as he claimed the space beside her. ‘„Afternoon, Darla.“
    „Good afternoon, Kyle. I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to chat much since my wedding. Not that we got to have much of a conversation then. You were too busy adding the special Stockbridge touch to the festivities. How are you these days?“ Darla smiled with a hint of mischief.
    Kyle grunted. „I’m fine. Just fine.“
    „Isn’t it fortunate neither you nor Glen caught a chill from your dunking last night?“
    Rebecca glanced at both men, who were now eyeing each other over the short distance of the Formica-topped table. „It would take more than a drenching to bring either of these two down.“
    Kyle ignored both women. „What are you doing here, Ballard?“
    „I was about to order a burger and listen to Rebecca tell me the fate of Harmony Valley. You’ve got to admit I’ve got a vested interest.“
    „You have about as much legitimate interest in that land as a snake has.“ Kyle broke off as the waitress approached. „Bring me a cup of coffee, Jan. And a burger.“
    „Same for me, Jan,“ Glen said.
    Jan nodded quickly, glanced with open curiosity at both women and then bolted for the kitchen, gum snapping loudly as usual.
    „I suggest you both stop arguing over who has an interest in Harmony Valley,“ Rebecca said around a French fry.
    „Because as of now you both do.“
    Kyle and Glen switched glittering looks to her composed face.
    „What the hell’s that supposed to mean?“ Kyle demanded.
    „I’ve made my decision. I’m deeding the land over to both of you. Fifty-fifty. Joint ownership. You’ll have to figure out how to share it. I know neither of you will ever sell out to the other so you’re both stuck with it. I’m getting out of the picture.“
    Darla choked on a bite of hamburger. She gulped coffee to clear her throat, her eyes tearing. There was dead silence in the restaurant as everyone strained to overhear.
    Kyle and Glen both stared at Rebecca as if she’d gone insane.
    „Are you out of your mind?“ Kyle finally said, his voice fierce.
    „Becky, it would never work,“ Glen said swiftly. „Stockbridge and I couldn’t manage to split an apple pie, let alone that land. We’d tear out each other’s throats. It’s a nice gesture, but…“
    „It’s not a gesture, nice or otherwise,“ Rebecca said bluntly. „I’m exacting a little justice here on behalf of myself, Alice Cork and her mother. Three women have suffered at the hands of Bal-lards and Stockbridges because of that land. Now it’s your turn. You two have a choice. You can tear each other to pieces, or you can figure out how to work together to do something creative with that beautiful valley.“
    „There is a third alternative,“ Darla observed. „They could sell out to a stranger and let someone else have Harmony Valley.“
    „Never,“ Glen rasped.
    „Not a chance in hell,“ Kyle confirmed instantly.
    „You see?“ Rebecca said to Darla. „There’s hope. They can agree on some things.“
    „What a disaster,“ Glen said softly. „Leave it to a woman. She’s right, Stockbridge. Alice and her mother are going to get their revenge after all.“
    Kyle turned on Rebecca, his face stark with the kind of rage he had never aimed at her before. „Outside,“ he said with a dangerous softness. „Now. I want to talk to you.“ He got to his feet and stood waiting for her.
    Rebecca looked up into the green fury in his eyes, and a cold chill went through her. „My hamburger,“ she said weakly.
    „Outside,“ he repeated in that deadly quiet tone.
    Rebecca didn’t say another word. She was aware of Darla watching her anxiously, but she shook her head slightly when she sensed the other woman might try to intervene.

    Rebecca slid out of the booth and walked down the row of fascinated spectators without looking either to the right or the left. She kept her chin high and her back straight, aware of Kyle following hard on her heels.
    Now, at last, she thought she understood just why the Stockbridge temper inspired such awe. She should have known it would end this way. She had taken a gamble and lost.
    When Rebecca reached the door she opened it and stepped outside. Kyle caught her arm and hauled her over to where the Porsche was

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