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Alice Munro - Writing Her Lives

Alice Munro - Writing Her Lives

Titel: Alice Munro - Writing Her Lives Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Thacker
Vom Netzwerk:
    53. Irving Layton, “Keine Lazarovitch 1870–1959,”
Tamarack Review:
Chapter 4
    1. “I was trying to find a meaning”: Gardiner interview: 174. “You don’t really”: AM to Audrey Coffin, April 3, 1968, transcript copy: Private collection. Robert E. Laidlaw to John Chamney, November 20, [1960]: Private collection.
    2. “The Time of Death,”
89, 90, 94, 98–99.
    3. Gardiner interview: 173–74. Struthers interview: 23. RW to AM , March 28, 1958. National Archives MG 31 D162. Earle Toppings to AM , March 3, 1967: Private collection. Giose Rimanelli, Introduction,
Modern Canadian Stories:
xxvii. Robert Weaver, Introduction,
Ten for Wednesday Night:
Ten for Wednesday Night:
74. Farrow, “Housewife Finds Time to Write Short Stories.” AM to RW , n.d. [1959], December 5, 1959: National Archives MG 31 D162.
    5. Struthers interview: 20. Interview James Munro, July 9, 2002.
    6. AM to RW , January 4, 1959. National Archives MG 31 D162. Maria Taaffe, “
The Montrealer
and Canadian Short Stories”: 8–14 and
. Interview Gerald Taaffe, May 9, 2003. AM , August 5, 2004.
    7. Struthers interview: 23. Gerald Taaffe to AM , August 17, 1961, November 15, 1961, June 8, 1962:–3.
    8. 37.7.22. This file contains sixteen photocopied reviews of
The First Five Years;
while some of them single Munro out, most do not.
    9. Interview Gerald Taaffe, May 9, 2003. E-mail from him, July 22, 2004.
    10. RW to AM , August 24, 1961: Theodore M. Purdy to AM , September 26, 1961: 37.2.1. J.G. McClelland to AM , October 12, 1961: Hugh Kane to AM , November 15, 1961:
    11. RW to AM , November 22, 1961: AM , August 22, 2001. John Robert Colombo to AM , n.d.: Because Colombo begins this letter referring to John Webster Grant’s letter of “a year ago,” and he concludes with a reference to a recent story in the
that could only have been “The Office” (September 1962), this letter was likely written late in 1962. E-mail John Robert Colombo, February 4, 2003.
    12. Interview Earle Toppings, January 3, 2003.
    13. Interview Sheila Munro, July 11, 2002. Interview Jenny Munro, January 8, 2003. AM , “An Appreciation”: 33. AM , April 24, 2004. Early version of Miles City incident connected with
Who: Cather, “Miss Jewett”: 76.
    14. “In the spring of 1963.…”: 396/87.3: 6.2. “On Writing ‘The Office’ ”: 260, 261. “The Office,”
59, 60–61, 74. “An Appreciation”: 32. Interview James Munro, July 9, 2002. Interview Jenny Munro, January 8, 2003. Interview Daphne Cue, April 19, 2004.
    15. “In the spring of 1963.…”: 396/87.3: 6.2. AM , June 20, 2003. AM , August 22, 2001. Interview James Munro, July 9, 2002 and April 22, 2004. Interview Daphne Cue, April 19, 2004. MacSkimming,
The Perilous Trade:
35–36 and “The Great Original”: 13.
    16. “Then at the beginning.…”: 396/87.3: 6.2.
Victoria Daily Times
, September 14, 1963: 12, October 12, 1963: 8, October 19, 1963: 6. Ross,
Alice Munro:
61. AM , June 20, 2003. “Save on wage bill”: AM to Earle Toppings, March 21, 1967: Private collection. Interview Craig Barrett and Ernest Hunter, October 17, 2003. E-mail George Cuomo, January 31, 2004. 396/87.3: 6.2.
    18. AM to Earle Toppings, November 30, 1964. Earle Toppings to AM , December 2, 1964. AM to Earle Toppings, October 28, 1965: Private collection. Interview Earle Toppings, January 3, 2003.
    19. AM to Earle Toppings, February 23, 1967: Private collection. AM , August 22, 2001. Ross,
Alice Munro:
64. Tudor house:
    20. Earle Toppings to AM , March 3, 1967. AM to Earle Toppings, March 14, 1967, March 21, 1967: Private collection. There is a manuscript of “The Office” in Alice Munro Fonds with AM ’s annotation, “Dear Earle – Here it is in manuscript – I lost the magazine”: 37.6.20. Ross,
Alice Munro:
64. Interview James Munro, April 22, 2004. AM , June 20, 2003.
    21. Original contract for
Dance of the Happy Shades
. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Whit by, Ontario. AM , August 22, 2001. Order of composition: Struthers interview: 20. “Postcard” was first published in the
Tamarack Review
in its spring 1968 issue; initially they were going to publish “Walker Brothers Cowboy” as well, but did not. RW to Earle Toppings, January 26, 1968: Private collection. Author visit to Rockland house, July 9, 2002. A 1969 profile in the
Victoria Daily Times
mentions that

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