Alien Proliferation
got to my feet and pulled Camilla away from the people holding her. They looked like they were waking up—I had to figure Al Dejahl needed to focus on Jeff’s fists. Went to White. “You okay?”
He nodded. “Good thing you arrived when you did. I’m not quite as good with the fighting as you and Jeffrey are.” He handed Jamie to me. “I’m a bit concerned about the Poof situation, of course.”
I couldn’t be sure, but Jamie also looked worried to me. “It’s okay, Jamie-Kat. You were right to keep the Poofies around you and your Uncle Richard. Daddy was here to save the day, wasn’t he?” I kissed and cuddled her. She gurgled happily, heaved a little sigh, closed her eyes, and went to sleep.
I put the Snugli back on with Camilla’s help. “We’ll deal with what damage your loser half brother did to the Poofs later. For all we know, they were just waiting for the right order, and neither one of us gave it to them. And, dude, you were fighting a guy at least young enough to be your own son, while holding a newborn, and you remained standing and said newborn remained completely unscathed. I say again, you totally rock.”
“As much as Jeffrey?” he asked with a chuckle.
Turned to watch Jeff continue to beat Al Dejahl to a pulp. “Okay, not quite as good with the fisticuffs as Jeff, but, you know, he’s enhanced.” And totally, drool-worthily hot. It never failed—when he was protective, I got weak in the knees. And this was the example of protective to the tenth degree.
“Stop lusting after my uncle.” Jeff tossed this one off as he picked Al Dejahl up bodily and slammed said body into the door of a nearby isolation chamber.
“Had to pick my next husband in case you and my other options were all dead.”
“Nice. Gladys, you’d damn well better be off the mind control. I want everyone who was locked into isolation out, NOW.” He bellowed it. He was so good with the bellowing. Jamie made a few fussy sounds. I realized it was probably close to time for her to eat.
“Jeff, can you finish him off? It’s torpedo time.”
“Oh, sure, no problem. I’ll just hurry it up and stop being fancy. Richard, you want him dead or alive?”
“Did Mister Reynolds have an opinion?”
“Don’t know. He’s with Christopher and the others.”
“Um, what? You were supposed to stay with them and save Amy.”
Jeff slammed Al Dejahl against the door again. “Yeah? Well, I could have let him kill you, I suppose. I happened to remember, though, hey, I’m in charge and, therefore, I don’t have to be a good little soldier and follow orders.”
Al Dejahl was limp. Jeff was still pounding. “Son, I think he’s out of it.” Alfred looked shaken.
“He’s still breathing.” Jeff looked at his father. “You know, I can see every damn emotion she has, and most of the thoughts when they’re strong. Nothing like seeing my parents do the mindless automaton attack on my wife to make me feel great about the next family get-together.”
“Speaking of which, Clarence is out of solitary.”
Alfred sighed. “Yes, Sylvia couldn’t take it. We let him out.”
“Beg freaking pardon? He was trying to kill Christopher and my baby!”
“No. He was being deceived.”
“He wasn’t mind-controlled. He was using his own free will.”
“Yes, he was,” Alfred said patiently. “However, people do make mistakes.” He gave me a rueful smile. “And my eldest daughter loves him, despite the fact he’s an utter moron and a traitor. He’ll be watched, believe me.”
“You’re nicer than I am.”
“Yes, I believe I am.” Alfred grinned. “Not that I’m suggesting for one moment that you soften up.” He sighed. “I think we want to keep him alive.”
Alfred gave me the “duh” look. “No, Ronaldo Al Dejahl. Richard, what do you think?”
White shook his head. “I can’t give you an answer to that, Alfred.” He was looking past me, and I saw Gower. He had one arm around Serene and one around Lorraine. My father had his arms around my mother and Claudia.
“Paul, Dad, are you guys okay?”
My father nodded. “Yes, kitten, we’re fine. A little shaken—nothing like being in solitary and hearing the same message over and over again.”
“What message?”
“You will obey me.” Dad shrugged. “It’s an old trick. Your mother and I know how to ignore it. And our girls here were all little tigers.” He hugged Claudia. “Never make the mothers mad, that’s my
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