...And Never Let HerGo
Anne Marie. I then drove home where I remained until I left for the office the next morning.
While Anne Marie had some problems, there was nothing out of the ordinary in either her conversation or behavior that would lead me to believe anything was amiss. I am at a complete loss to explain what caused her disappearance.
It is difficult to respond as to how others may characterize our relationship. Frankly, the nature of our relationship is and will remain a matter between Anne Marie and myself. What is relevant and important is that Anne Marie and I are good friends and parted company good friends that evening.
I was informed of Anne Marie’s potential disappearance by phone late on the evening of Saturday, June 29th, by a mutual friend. While I was concerned, I was also aware that Anne Marie had taken Friday off from work and concluded she had probably gone off with friends for the weekend. At that time, there was nothing to lead me to believe she would not be at work on Monday morning, July 1st. At approximately 3 am on the morning of Sunday, June 30th, I was awakened by four police officers at my home. Since then, I have and will continue to fully cooperate with investigators. As much as anyone else, I want to know Anne Marie’s whereabouts.
I will not be granting interviews or making further statements. I want to thank my friends who have offered their many kind words of support and encouragement and ask all concerned to pray for Ann Marie’s safe return.
Tom read it over and nodded. He told Brian that it “looked pretty good,” and he would run it by his attorneys and get back to Murphy that afternoon. But he never did. That statement would not be released for two and a half years.
Tom did make a statement that day, a much more private one. He called Robert Fahey and left a message on his answering machine, his words stumbling over one another, separated by “ummm’s” and “ahhhh’s.”
“Robert,” he said, “this is Tom Capano.
“It’s Tuesday. It’s 12:39 on July ninth. I think you know from Bud that I really want to speak to you and anybody else in your family who cares to. Bud tells me you’re maybe not really interested in speaking to me and I guess I can understand that. Robert, I don’t know what to say . . . I really do want to talk to you.”
Tom explained that he wanted to see Robert “face-to-face” because “I have some things I want to show you. I have some things I want to tell you.
“I care for Anne Marie a great deal, Robert. Apparently, from what Buddy’s telling me, that hasn’t come through and I don’t understand that. And I know I’m babbling because I’m out of my freaking mind with, uh, everything. . . . There’s one thing I want you to know. I have talked to the police twice. I have told the police I will talk to them as many times as they want. But I am not gonna talk about ancient history.
“Anne Marie has a right to privacy and I have a right to privacy and I am not going to tell them details of things we did a year ago or eight months ago or all this incredibly personal stuff they want to know from me. OK? . . . I will talk to them about Thursday night. I will talk to them about anything, but I am not going to talk about ancient history. . . . Maybe you can’t understand that. . . . I mean, do you and Kathleen want to read stuff in the newspaper? ’Cause you know it’s going to leak. It’s personal. I know I’m rambling but I desperately would like to talk to you. . . . I wanted to come see you all at that apartment but I know that Kathleen would just frankly gouge my eyes out. Ahhh, I’ll stop. Please call me, Robert.”
Robert did not call him. He didn’t believe that Tom would tell him what he needed to know and he wasn’t about to play games.
I F Tom’s affair with Anne Marie was now public knowledge, his relationship with Debby MacIntyre remained a secret. Moreover, on his instructions, she was out of town visiting one of her brothers. But Tom had always chosen women as his confidantes, and on July 15 and 19, he called Kim Horstman, talking to her as if they were longtime trusted friends. He brought her up to speed on what had happened to him, beginning with his surprise when Bud Freel came to his mother’s home. Bud’s visit and his later calls alarmed Tom. “He said Bud told him that he was there on behalf of Annie’s family,” Kim recalled, “and that he said, ‘If you have her, could you please return her?’ ”
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