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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
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new life with such happiness and she filled her life with such hard satisfying work that she decided the mystery could wait. Checking on the stranger one last time, she scooped Baby into her arms and wearily went off to bed. As her eyes shut, she felt Baby cuddle up to her tummy, as always. Closing her eyes, her last thought echoed with praise and thanks to God for gifting her with such a precious creature; her confusing, beautiful Baby.
    The next morning Netty rose quickly, instructing Baby to stay in the bedroom for today, trying to impress upon him the necessity for secrecy. She quickly lit the fireplace and started a kettle for hot water. Checking on the stranger she saw he was still sleeping. Quietly, she tiptoed back to her bedroom to change. As she washed up, she looked at herself in the mirror and did a little daydreaming. The stranger’s handsomeness woke some mighty strange feelings within her, even in his present condition. She realized he was probably married, but wondered how attractive a man might find her. Oh, silly, she thought. Laughing to herself, she dipped her wash cloth in the water, wringing it out. She reached down to scrub her bottom as she wondered what to make for lunch.
    “ Ow … my gosh .” Trembling she reached behind her and felt something emerging from her tailbone. It was a lump the size of an apple. Fearfully, she pressed down on it, expecting it to burst. No, it felt solid but spongy and swollen. She felt some mild pain, but using a hand mirror, she did not see any redness. Nervously, she worried about getting sick. She just could not afford it. So much has to be done on the farm, even in the winter. Only a minor miracle helped her manage to accomplish this much on her own. Ruefully, she realized her good health might fail her, putting an end to her good fortune.
    Her mind now preoccupied, she said goodbye to Baby with a hug and returned to the other room to discover the stranger conscious and beginning to move. Turning his head toward the noise of her bedroom door shutting, he stared at her.
    “Who are you? Where am I?” Netty stood speechless as the stranger’s unwavering gaze invited an explanation. His eyes shot guileless ice blue beacons at her, creating an unexpected moment of vulnerable intimacy. Transfixed and a bit flustered, she brought a chair to the straw bed and sat down before him.
    “My name is Netty Doyle. I found you in my field. You were unconscious and feverish so I brought you and your mare to my cabin. Your mare is in my barn. She is safe and well fed.” Netty shifted uncomfortably in her chair, the stranger’s gaze causing her to fidget. “I found very little at your camp site. Perhaps you could tell me who you are?”
    The stranger struggled to sit up. Blushing beet red, he turned to her.
    “Where are my clothes, madam?” Netty blanched, bounding to the other side of the fireplace to remove them from the rope line where she hung the laundry in the winter. Apologizing, she returned to the stranger and set his clothes next to him on the bed. She dropped her eyes before addressing him again.
    “Who are you, sir?”
    The stranger smiled, a lazy grin belying the formal tone of his voice.
    “Forgive me, Mrs. Doyle, my manners are not normally so poor. I must thank you for rescuing me. My name is Wil. Wil Capaccino. My family hales from the town of Boontown in Norris County.” Netty cringed visibly at the mention of Norris County. Mr. Capaccino seemed not to recognize her name. Doyle was a common Irish name but Robert was well known throughout the county. With visible relief, she noticed Mr. Capaccino’s eye lids sinking. Within minutes, his soft snore resounded through the cabin.
    The morning passed quickly with Mr. Capaccino waking periodically to take some broth and fall back asleep. Netty itched to hear more from her accidental guest. She could tell from the cut of his clothes and the calluses on his strong hands, his living was forged with hard work. The manner of his speech showed him to be educated, but of the country classes. Just like her. It somehow made her feel more comfortable. She was not a huge judge of character but she sensed an honesty and sweetness in him.
    Netty wondered how long it would take him to gain his strength. By the looks of his health, she thought he would be up and on his way in a few days. Some of her gratifying meals were bound to help. Netty’s main concern centered around Baby. If he must stay cooped up in her

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