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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
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find the door unlocked. But he could not get in. Rattling the door, he could feel the latch was still in place. How the devil are we going to get in now, he thought? Baby must have climbed out a window to follow them. Well, he could just as easily go through a window to get in the cabin. Leaning Netty against the wall, he turned to step off the stoop when he heard the rattle of the latch. Turning back to the door he saw it open. And there stood Baby in all his golden glory.
    Wil stood dumfounded. How could Baby have gotten back before they did? He had to walk. And his goofy little wobble would take him days. Wait a minute! He never could have followed them to the church without help to begin with. He would not have made it there on time.
    Wil led Netty into the cabin, placing her on his bed near the fireplace. He quickly put on the tea kettle, taking comfort in its whistle as it came to a boil. Setting out two cups he quickly carried them over to Netty to cool. He saw that Baby sat next to her, softly stroking her tear stained face with his long fingers. Netty held tightly to Baby and buried her face in his fur.
    “Netty, are we going to talk about this?”
    “What is there to say, Wil?” Her voice sounded shaky. “You rescued me from a drunk and now we are home safe.”
    “No, Netty, you know that is not what I mean. I’m sorry about the drunk. I guess we have been a little insulated here on the farm and forgot how judgmental other people can be about propriety.”
    “Wil, I am sorry if my unusual marriage status caused you some embarrassment.” Glancing at Netty, he felt the stiffness in her tone.
    “Netty, you know that is not what I mean! How could I see Baby with you at the church and yet get back here before we did?” Netty sat silently looking down at her lap. Wil suddenly sat on the bed grabbing her shoulders.
    “ Look at me, Netty . Look me in the eye. Now answer me. Can Baby fly?” He watched as she raised her head and looked into his eyes. Silent tears traveled slowly down her face.
    “I love you, Wil, did you know that?” She said it so slowly, so sadly that it gave Wil a chilling premonition. Now familiar pressure and a golden aura whispered to him.
    “Brother, I cannot fly. Sister cannot fly.”
    “I know Netty can’t fly, Baby, why would you mention that?” Wil asked the question, confused and distracted. No one spoke.
    “ God damn it, Netty , I need some answers here. What is going on? Are you hiding something from me? Why? You know I love you. Don’t you trust me? I am going out of my mind trying to figure you out, but I don’t think I can take much more.” Wil dropped his hands and started pacing the floor. Baby had moved to the bedroom when Wil started getting heated.
    Slowly, Netty rose from Wil’s bed. Her eyes were closed.
    “Wil, could you come here, please? I would just like one kiss right now, please.” Wil stepped hesitantly to Netty. He held her close and kissed her slowly. Netty felt all of his love and strength in that kiss. Her quiet bittersweet tears continued to fall.
    “Netty, baby, please tell me what is happening.”
    Netty stepped back. She looked silently at Wil’s beautiful clear dear face, trying to memorize every feature, dreading the outcome of the next critical moments. She closed her own eyes again and slowly unbuttoned her top. Slipping off her skirt, she took a painful breath. With a sob of anguish, she slipped off her petticoat. Standing in front of Wil with her head bowed in shame, her tail moved, circling around her waist protectively, reflecting its brilliance off the flame of the fire.
    “ What the heck? Netty—no.” He backed up slowly, not taking his eyes off the shocking appendage. Netty sank to the bed covering her nakedness with Wil’s blanket. So much became clear to Wil.
    “It was never about me was it, Netty?” Netty shook her head, her voice a barely discernible croak.
    “No, Wil, I always loved you.”
    “Netty, are you human?” Wil asked, knowing the pain that pierced Netty’s heart with the question.
    “I don’t know what is happening to me, Wil, the changes started after I found Baby. I am scared. I don’t know what it means,” she admitted.
    “What are we going to do?” Wil said sinking into a chair and dropping his face to his hands. He looked down at Netty. He could see the pain in her eyes as she turned her back, unable to face him any longer. Silence filled the room. Quietly, Wil confronted

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