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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
Vom Netzwerk:
of late, he sometimes noticed her voice contained a note of strain.
    He loved his work on the farm. Seeing their progress and success delighted them both, making their lives very fulfilling. On the other hand, he knew Netty quietly fretted about her husband’s possible claim on the farm. She haltingly explained the relationship between her mama and Mr. Woods. Wil took the news in stride. Many women found themselves in similar straits, marrying the next man that would have them, so as to give the child a name. Bastard children carried a stigma that was hard to shake. Netty was very lucky Mr. Woods found a way to stay in her life. They might not know the reasons behind her mama’s decision, but Mr. Woods obviously loved her and provided for her. It was quite unfortunate he inadvertently chose a disreputable lawyer to represent him. Wil thought Netty might have a good case of fraud on her hands. When they had time, they planned to hire a lawyer in town to look into it for them.
    Baby was another story. His relationship with Baby mirrored that of a big brother. Baby went nuts over Maggie. Wil would saddle up Maggie early in the morning when he was turning out the Jerseys. Baby would be right on his heels when he left the cabin. He had to struggle to keep up with Wil, his funny little shuffle and wobble a handicap. He sure was an eager little guy, though. Wil would lift him up on the saddle with him and off they would go with the Jerseys, Baby clinging to the saddle horn with Wil’s arm looped across his fat little tummy. Wil gave up counting how many times he rolled over in the night to discover Baby, curled up under the covers with him. Baby made no further effort to talk to him, though. Netty said it was normal. Baby did not talk much.
    Wil decided to make a move today. They never took any time off to go into town unless it was to bring produce, make pie deliveries or pick up supplies. Wil heard that one of the churches planned to host a Saturday supper with square dancing after dinner. There was bound to be some locals that made sure the men had a good supply of moonshine behind the church. Wil planned on inviting Netty to the supper this morning. Netty poured Wil’s breakfast tea while he launched into his proposal.
    “Come on, Netty, it will be fun. We could sure use a break before spring planting starts.”
    Caught off guard by Wil’s invitation, Netty’s heart gave a trill of excitement. The thought of socializing just never occurred to her. Their affairs on the farm overwhelmed them so, keeping them busy. And she preferred to stick close to Baby, afraid to leave him alone. You could never tell when a stranger might stop by looking for some pies or a handout. She worried what might happen if they found no one home and decided to poke around. “I don’t know, Wil, can we really afford to take the time? I wanted to start moving the fieldstone up from the fields. We will soon be starting the foundation for the bakery.”
    “Netty, don’t worry about that. Baby and I are going to start working on that Sunday morning. I thought we would bring a load up after we turn out the Jerseys. We can get it done and still be finished in time for lunch.”
    “I’m sure Baby’s help will be overwhelming. But I don’t know how I can afford the time.” Looking at Wil’s crestfallen face, Netty paused. Wil never complained about anything. She knew her reluctance to his overtures portended a rift between them eventually. Her tail, fully mature, lay wrapped around her torso, hidden securely under her skirt. She hoped to delay a painful confrontation as long as possible. The thought of losing Wil because of her fear chilled her. Maybe if she said yes to the supper, Wil would be mollified for a while. Is it possible they might enjoy themselves?
    “Well, maybe some time off would be good for us. I think Baby can hold down the fort until we get back.” She smiled suddenly as Wil jumped up, grabbing her in a bear hug.
    “I know that you will be the prettiest girl there.”
    As the day wore on, Netty’s reservations returned, making her jumpy. Additional worries about the dance played on her mind. The fact that she never attended a dance before was the least of them. Netty’s unspoken insecurity revolved around the age difference between the two of them. She knew the young ladies of the town would use the dance as an opportunity to flirt and size up the single gentlemen. The supper presented the perfect atmosphere

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