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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
Vom Netzwerk:
spacious home, quite luxurious by her standards. Farmer Neal had a huge herd of Jerseys with vast pastures, confided his wife, Ruthann, still eyeing the unbelievable size of the fruit in Netty’s gift basket. Obviously, they too worked hard for their prosperity.
    Ruthann rattled on about the farm and their plans for the newborn. They enjoyed their tea and each other’s company as the hour passed. As Netty rose to take her leave, she asked Ruthann if she might first use the privy. Laughing, Ruthann showed her the way out the back door. Netty knew she never would have made it home without having to go. The baby now pressed uncomfortably against her bladder. Her stomach felt like dead weight as she felt the baby kick her sharply. Upon finishing her toilet, Netty returned to the house, letting herself in the back door. She paused as she heard voices in the kitchen, men’s voices. She could hear them discussing business. Netty hesitated to interrupt and turned to let herself back out when she heard Robert’s name mentioned. Now listening closely, she could make out something about raising the rent on the farm. She heard Mr. Neal object saying Mr. Woods had never raised his rent this often. The other voice sounded familiar. Peeking around the corner, she saw none other than Eli, her husband’s man. He flailed his arms at farmer Neal, insisting that the land belonged to Robert Doyle, the Neal family had little choice since they did not own the land.
    Netty pressed herself tightly to the wall, hoping not to be seen. Her heart raced as she slowly backed out the door and ran around the house to the wagon. Clumsily, she pulled herself up as the front door opened and Eli appeared. She backed the wagon away from the hitching post, hurrying away. Giving a quick glance back, she saw Eli standing there, just looking after her. Did he recognize her? Would the Neals say anything? Would Eli ask?
    This was a bad omen. Not forced to deal with Robert allowed her the freedom to create a new life. This timing called an end to her good luck and peace of mind; but the Neal’s farm? They pay rent to Robert? Were there others? Actually, how big was 2000 acres?
    Rushing back to the farm, she found Wil at the bakery doing some painting with Baby off playing in the barn. Quickly, she related the news to Wil.
    “You said 2000 acres? Netty, are you kidding me? I don’t even think the whole town is even 1000 acres. Netty you are really rich. And that bastard of a husband is cheating you. He has obviously been collecting the rents from the lease-holders and the tenement farmers for years. We need to hire a lawyer as soon as we can to get him out of your life. He is stealing from you.”
    “You don’t know him, Wil, he is ruthless. He raped and murdered my mama. I don’t think it will be that easy.”
    “Don’t worry, babe.” Wil rubbed her tummy giving her a quick kiss on the lips. “You have me now. And we have big ol’ Baby for back up.” He laughed as they spied Baby shuffling and wobbling toward them from the barn. Baby held something in his arms. A barn kitten. He discovered the mama cat giving birth five weeks ago and made himself their protector. He proudly showed them off whenever Wil or Netty would pay attention. They each took a turn admiring the kitten. Baby shuffled off, heading back to the barn.
    “Netty, why don’t I saddle Maggie and run into town? I can sit down with a lawyer and see where you stand legally.”
    “Yes, that might be a good idea,” Netty considered carefully. “We need to get information right now. I’m going to work on some pies in the kitchen then start dinner. Try to hurry home.” Netty kissed him goodbye and Wil hurried after Baby to the barn.
    Netty finished the last of the pies. Sliding them in the oven to bake, she began peeling a four pound potato for dinner. She heard the latch on the front door. Calling to Baby, she turned, her mouth freezing in mid-sentence. There stood Eli.
    “How dare you come into my home? What do you want?” Her voice ricocheted indignantly.
    “Well, well, Miz Doyle.” He leaned lazily against the back of the door, insolence defining his posture. “Sounds like you’re not all that happy ta see me. Thought I’d stop by before I head back to Norristown ta see how yer doin.” Eli sauntered further into the room, his bulk blocking the door, cutting off her escape.
    “I’m sure the boss is gunna be happy to hear how well yer doin here, means he can sure

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