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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
Vom Netzwerk:
get a better price for the land, when he sells it to that fancy group from New York City.” Netty attempted to shield her shock from registering on her face. Any weakness simply inflamed bullies.
    Eli inched closer. “Don’t know how he’s gunna feel with you carryin’ that drifter’s bastard, though. Nah, he’s not gunna like hearin’ that a’tol.” Eli reached out, grabbing her elbow, pulling her so close she could smell the stench of his breath on her face.
    “Thought I’d not recognize ya, gal? Ya sure look holier than thou with all that gold hair now don’ cha.” He grabbed her pony tail, giving it a twist. He wrapped it around her throat, flipping her around and came up behind her. She could feel his erection throbbing against her back.
    “Please, Eli, my Baby,” she whispered.
    Eli dragged her over to the old straw bed and threw her down. She landed with a wince, on her stomach. Leering over her, she could see him actually slobbering.
    “Never wanted ta take a piece of ya when the boss said I could, but I sure think I’ll help myself to a piece right now.” Flipping her over on her back, he pulled down his pants. Netty tried to kick him but he grabbed her leg, letting loose with a backhand across her face. Strangely, she felt no pain. But the baby felt different. Something must be wrong. She had to protect the baby.
    “Alright,” she screamed. “Just do it.”
    “Oh, ya gonna be nice, now? Thought ya might change yer mind when ya saw what a real man looked like. Let me hear ya say ya want it, Netty gal. Come on, let me hear it.” Eli raised his fist.
    “Just get it over with, please.” Her voice reduced to a whimper, she tried to blank out her mind as Eli raped her. She could get through this. The baby would be fine, Eli would leave. She still had Wil and Baby. Baby . Oh my gosh; where was Baby? Baby, stay in the barn, please, she prayed silently.
    Eli’s weight on top of her felt oppressive. She felt her stomach being compressed as he assaulted her in her most tender and private area. Her tail, wadded up under her waist, cramped from the painful crushing. As Eli finished, she felt blood pooling between her legs.
    “Oh no, oh no,” she moaned. Rolling off the bed, she tried to stand. Her legs buckled and down she went. Holding her stomach, she screamed at Eli, “I need a doctor, please help me.”
    “Git that wop drifter a yur’s ta help. I gotta git back ta Norristown ta give the boss his rents. Ya weren’t worth da effort anyway. Ya better keep your trap shut now, hear?” Looking at all the blood pooled around her, he sneered.
    “What the heck?” Sniffing, he detecting the odor of sulfur that leached from her blood; blood that glimmered, not just red but distinct tones of effervescence. “Looks like ya got yourself a real problem, for Christ’s sake, gal.” Grimacing, he let himself out the door.
    Netty touched the liquid pooling around her. It was very warm. She could feel the heat radiate from it. When she put her fingers in it, the blood parted, leaving her hand dry . What? She gathered her skirt, pressing into her groin to stop the flow. She felt something hitch from inside of her. She tried to remember when she last felt the baby move. Had to be when Wil left for town. She considered the color of her blood as she felt a slow dawning of terror, her pulse racing dangerously. What did it mean? Is this another of her changes? How will that affect the baby? Will the baby be normal? Her head was spinning. She had to calm down. Wil, where are you? Please, come home.
    Netty rocked and held her skirt closely as she felt contractions. The baby was coming. No, it’s too early, God please, I beg you . Tears silently streamed from twin pools of desperate anguish. Slowly, she pulled herself over to the bed to lie down. Just in time, as she felt another gush between her legs. Netty’s eyes rolled back in her head and she mercifully passed out.
    Wil unhitched the wagon, leading the horse to his stall. Filling the water trough, he thought he should bring the Jerseys down from the pasture before he went in for dinner. That would enable him to linger with Netty before he did the milking. Rounding up Baby from his kitten protection detail in the hay loft, he saddled up Maggie and together they started out for the cow pasture trail. As Wil rounded up the Jerseys with Baby holding the gate open, he thought of the information supplied by the lawyer. It appears they had a tough row

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