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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
Vom Netzwerk:
trouble. But let me know next time before you decide to do something like that,” Robert said, mildly irked. “Did you see any sign of the wop she’s shacked up with? What kind of shape did you leave her in?”
    “She was in pretty bad shape. All this weird shit coming out of her, thought it was blood, but I don’ think so. She was holler’n for a doctor when I left,” he chuckled. “Sump’n bout the kid.”
    “Well, dummy, you may have created a little problem for us if he shows up here. If she can identify you, I bet he does. You should have just twisted her ugly neck on the way out, Eli. Clean up your mess like a man.”
    “She’s not an ugly twit any more, boss. If the farmer I was collectin from din’ tell me who she was I wouldn’t a known. I knew I had ta have a piece a that.” Casting his eyes down, he belatedly remarked, “Hope you don’t mind, boss.”
    “No, but we better be ready if he shows up.” Looking at how the fire glinted off his gold coin collection, ( minus one coin, the bitch, I know she took it. ) he gathered inspiration, hatching a beautiful plan. Yes, quite perfect. It would easily remove one annoying obstacle from his road to the fair Netty and solve Eli’s problem at the same time.
    “Eli, it is time for me to have my evening entertainment. Thank you, by the way. If any spirit remains after I’m finished I will send her to your room. If not, I will ring as usual and you can dispose of her. Please remember to remove the gown first. Drop it off with the housekeeper for repairs in the morning. I’m sure it still has some wear left in it. If Netty’s drifter shows up, wake me, regardless of the time.”
    Robert stood, bidding good night to Eli. He moved to his safe where he deposited the receipts from Eli’s last collection. Passing the prominent display of his coin collection, he paused. With a devilish grin, he removed two of the coins, slipping them into the pocket of his opulent dressing gown. He gave a satisfied shake of his head, mounting the stairs to his bedroom, relishing the anticipation of the evening’s pleasures.
    The long journey to Norristown wore Wil down, yet his vengeance still simmered ominously. Maggie plodded with fatigue, holding up like a champ. He knew he could not be that far behind the bastard that tore apart his life. Poor Netty, she did not deserve any of this. He tried not to cry as he thought what the loss of their baby might do to them. Pushing those thoughts from his head, he tried to concentrate on a plan. He felt sure he could find Sunnydale without much trouble. After all, how many hulking mansions did one city have?
    Before long, he managed to locate the Doyle estate. Predictably, it was located on the best street in the city. He tied Maggie to a tree down the block. If anything went wrong he didn’t want her involved. He knew someone would find and care for her until the time came to reclaim her. For added insurance, he wrote down his name and address, tucking it inside his saddlebag.
    Creeping onto the property, he watched the front door without seeing any activity. The luminous moon beamed prominently, exposing the manicured lawn along with Wil’s inadequate hiding place. He silently reconnoitered the estate, sneaking around the side of the house to watch the back door. Still no activity. He shook the weariness from his tired swollen eyes as he wondered what it was like for Netty to live in this huge mansion. How was he going to quickly find Eli on this property? And what would he actually do to him when he found him? Could he shoot him? He realized no jury would find him very sympathetic if he shot a man in cold blood, even if the man raped his woman and caused the death of his unborn baby. He felt the rush of blood in his ears as he imagined his callused hands around Eli’s neck. Maybe it would be better if he shot them both, Robert and Eli. He stared at the back door wondering how many people were inside the house. He needed to simmer down and plan this carefully. Through the trees at the back of the property he observed flickers of light. It must be the carriage house where Robert conducted his bootleg business. How many people did he employ? Would they come running if they heard a gunshot? Wil’s mind swirled with options and terror. He would be worthless to Netty in jail, leaving her even more vulnerable and damaged. He shifted his body, feeling cramped and uncomfortable. Desperation to get back to Netty further

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