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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
Vom Netzwerk:
    “Baby, how did you get out of the cabin if the door is still locked from the inside?” Walking around the back, she saw the opened bedroom window. “Well Baby, I guess this is the way we are going to have to get back in. I’m going to boost you up and you can go around front and let me in.” Auras sent pressure to her mind.
    “Sister—my kitten.”
    “Yes Baby, you can take your kitten with you.” Shaking her head with amusement, Netty helped Baby in the window and passed the kitten over the window sill. Going around to the front of the cabin she found Baby waiting for her. She realized Baby had given her the first laugh she mustered in weeks.
    Dashing through the house looking for money, she happily explained to Baby that Wil would soon be home. Baby trailed behind her with his wobble and shuffle, dangling his kitten from his arm. Counting the money, she realized it might not be enough. Oh, no. They spent all of their savings on the new bakery. Think, think, think . She slapped herself on the head. Wait. Did she dare? Running into the bedroom, she dug to the bottom of the hope chest Wil made for her on the anniversary of their first year together. Ironically, one of Baby’s favorite hiding places. She kept digging down till she found it. Withdrawing her fingers, she held up the gold coin. The very one she stole from her husband before she ran from him over three years ago. It would finally do her some good.
    Fixing a sketchy dinner for herself, although she found she could not eat a thing, she decided to give the cabin a good cleaning. Tomorrow will be a big day. Taking the money to Norristown, Reverend Penny planned to bail Wil out of jail. Counting on their return in a day or two, Netty hoped to celebrate with Wil and Baby before they found an attorney and settled in to resolve the problems with Robert. Cuddling in bed with Baby (and his kitten, of course), she thought about their lost infant. She promised herself to take the time to visit the grave with Wil when he got home. Knowing they both enjoyed excellent health with youth on their side, she knew in time, they could try for a baby again. She finally had her first nightmare free sleep in weeks.
    Rising early, Netty started for town with high expectations. She arrived at the Baptist Church shortly after morning service, finding Reverend Penny in his private office.
    “Reverend, I have the money for Wil’s bail.” She breathlessly poured the coins out on the desk. Looking up, surprised by the reverend’s pained expression, she felt her stomach give an uncertain lurch.
    “My dear, please sit down. I have some unfortunate news for you.” Holding tightly to her hands, he broke the news of Wil’s death. Found in his cell, he apparently managed to cut off his own hand on the rough metal supports of his bed, in an obvious attempt to take his own life.
    Netty heard nothing but white noise after the word death. She sagged, dropping heavily to the floor, being held up by the grip Reverend Penny had on her hands. Her head swam. “Oh … no, no, no, no, God. Please, no.” She moaned as Reverend Penny dragged her to a chair, propping her up.
    “ I don’t believe you . I need to see Wil ,” she suddenly screamed, hysteria now a frequent visitor.
    “I’m afraid we might have another problem on our hands, Mrs. Doyle,” the reverend said releasing her hands. Netty did not respond. She could not make out anything further the reverend said. Her life just turned to cold ash. This could not possibly be true. Wil would never do such a thing. It had to be a lie. She rose slowly, gripping the side of the chair, her face devoid of color. She needed to be alone. Baby; she needed to get home to Baby. She stumbled unsteadily.
    “Mrs. Doyle.” At the sound of her name, she tried to focus. Reverend Penny stood in front of her, a most pious look on his face, holding his hand outstretched to her. As she reached for his hand, she stared, letting her own float in the air aimlessly before dropping it to her side, her defeated continence a mask of despair and tragedy. For in the palm of his hand lay her gold coin. Looking into his face, her voice trembling, she asked, “Reverend Penny, what is the meaning of this?”
    “Mrs. Doyle, why don’t you come with me to the sheriff’s office where we can straighten this out? Mr. Doyle himself took time from his precious schedule to come all this way to help us.” His grip felt like iron as he tried to ease her

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