Carpathian 17 - Dark Celebration
includes lamti ból jüti, kinta, ja szelem : the nether world, but also includes the worlds higher up En Puwe , the Great Tree löyly —breath; steam, (related to lewl : "spirit") ma —land; forest
mäne —rescue; save
me —we
meke —deed; work (noun). To do; to make; to work (verb)
minan —mine
minden —every, all (adj.).
möért? —what for? (exclamation)
molo —to crush; to break into bits
molanâ —to crumble; to fall apart
mozdul —to begin to move, to enter into movement
nä —for ŋamaŋ—this; this one here
nélkül —without
nenä —anger
no —like; in the same way as; as
numa —god; sky; top; upper part; highest (related to the English word: "numinous") nyelv —tongue
nyál —saliva; spit (noun), (related to nyelv : "tongue") odam —dream; sleep (verb)
oma —old; ancient
omboće —other; second (adj.)
o —the (used before a noun beginning with a consonant)
ot —the (used before a noun beginning with a vowel)
otti —to look; to sec; to find
owe —door
pajna —to press
pälä —half; side päläfertiil—mate or wife
pél —to be afraid; to be scared of
pesä —nest (literal); protection (figurative)
pide —above
pirä —circle; ring (noun). To surround; to enclose (verb).
pitä —keep, hold
piwtä —to follow; to follow the track of game
pukta —to drive away; to persecute; to put to flight
pusm —to be restored to health
pus —healthy; healing
puwe —tree; wood
reka —ecstasy; trance
rituaali —ritual
saye —to arrive; to come; to reach
salama —lightning; lightning bolt
sarna —words; speech; magic incantation (noun). To chant; to sing; to celebrate (verb) śaro —frozen snow
siel —soul
sisar —sister
sív —heart
sívdobbanás —heartbeat
soŋe —to enter; to penetrate; to compensate; to replace
susu —home; birthplace (noun), at home (adv.)
szabadon —freely
szelem —ghost
tappa —to dance; to stamp with the feet (verb)
te —you
ted —yours
toja —to bend; to bow; to break
toro —to fight; to quarrel
tule —to meet; to come
türe —full, satiated, accomplished
tyvi —stem; base; trunk
uskol —faithful
uskolfertiil —allegiance
veri —blood
vigyáz —to care for; to take care of
vii —last; at last; finally
wäke —power
wara —bird; crow
weńća —complete; whole
wete —water
Christine Feehan
I live in the beautiful mountains of Lake County, California. I have always loved hiking, camping, rafting and being outdoors. I've also been involved in the martial arts for years—I hold a third-degree black belt, instruct in a Korean karate system and have taught self-defense. I am happily married to a romantic man who often inspires me with his thoughtfulness. We have a yours, mine and ours family, claiming eleven children as our own. I have always written books, forcing my ten sisters to read every word, and now my daughters read and help me edit my manuscripts. It is fun to take all the research I have done on wild animals, raptors, vampires, weather and volcanoes and put it together with romance. Please visit my website at .
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