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Dead in the Family

Dead in the Family

Titel: Dead in the Family Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Charlaine Harris
Vom Netzwerk:
that if he gives Victor a big chunk of red meat, he won’t be tempted to try to snatch the whole steak.”
    “While others of us,” Pam said, “think that Felipe simply appointed Victor because Victor is very efficient. That Victor’s devotion to Felipe is possibly sincere.”
    “If the first theory is correct,” Eric said, “there isn’t perfect trust between Felipe and Victor.”
    “If the second theory is correct,” Pam said, “and we act against Victor, Felipe will kill us all.”
    “I’m getting your drift,” I said, looking from First Theory (shirtless with blue jeans) to Second Theory (cute vintage suit). “I hate to sound really selfish, but the first thought that popped into my mind is this. Since Victor wouldn’t let you come to help me when I needed you—and incidentally I know that I owe you big-time, Pam—that means Victor’s not honoring the promise, huh? Felipe promised me that he would extend his protection to me, which he ought to have, because I saved his life, right?”
    There was a significant pause while Eric and Pam considered my question.
    “I think Victor will do his best not to openly cause you harm, until and if he decides to try to become king in his own right,” Pam said. “If Victor decides to make a grab for the kingship, all promises made by Felipe are so many words without meaning.” Eric nodded in agreement.
    “That’s just great.” I probably sounded petulant and selfish, because that was the way I felt.
    “This is all assuming we don’t find a way to kill him first,” Pam said quietly. And we were all silent for a long moment. There was something that creeped me out, no matter how much I agreed that Victor should die, about the three of us talking about murdering him.
    “And you think this Heidi, who’s supposed to be such a great tracker, is here in Shreveport to be Victor’s eyes and ears?” I said briskly, trying to throw off the chill that had fallen on me.
    “Yes,” said Pam. “Unless she’s here to be Felipe’s eyes and ears, so Felipe can keep track of what Victor is doing in Louisiana.” She had that ominous look on her face, the one that said she was going to get her vampire game on. You did not want Pam to look that way when your name entered the conversation. If I were Heidi, I would take care to keep my nose clean.
    “Heidi,” which conjured up braids and full skirts in my imagination, seemed like a very perky name for a vampire.
    “So what should I do about the Long Tooth pack’s warning?” I said, to bring the discussion back to the original problem. “You’re going to send Heidi to my place to try to track the fairy? I have to tell you something else. Basim scented a body, not a fresh one, buried very deep at the back of my property.”
    “Oh,” Eric said. “Whoops.” Eric turned to Pam. “Give us some alone time.”
    She nodded and went out through the kitchen. I heard the back door shut.
    Eric said, “I’m sorry, my lover. Unless you’ve buried someone else on your property and kept it from me, that body is Debbie Pelt’s.”
    That was what I’d been afraid of. “Is the car back there, too?”
    “No, the car is sunk in a pond about ten miles south of your place.”
    That was a relief. “Well, at least it was a werewolf who found it,” I said. “I guess we don’t have to worry about it, unless Alcide can identify her scent. They won’t go digging the body up. It’s none of their doings.” Debbie had been Alcide’s ex-girlfriend when I’d had the misfortune to meet her. I don’t want to drag out the story, but she’d tried to kill me first. It took me a while, but I’m over the angst of her death. Eric had been with me that night, but he hadn’t been in his right mind. And that’s yet another story.
    “Come here,” Eric said. His face held my very favorite expression, and I was doubly glad to see it because I didn’t want to think too much about Debbie Pelt.
    “Hmmm. What will you give me if I do?” I gave him a questioning eye.
    “I think you know very well what I will give you. I think you love me to give it to you.”
    “So . . . you don’t enjoy it at all?”
    Before I could blink he was on his knees in front of me, pushing my legs apart, leaning in to kiss me. “I think you know how I feel,” he said, in a whisper. “We are bonded. Can you believe I’m not thinking of you while I work? When my eyes open, I think of you, of every part of you.” His fingers got busy, and I gasped.

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