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Dead Man's Grip

Dead Man's Grip

Titel: Dead Man's Grip
Autoren: Peter James
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Press Office Toyota (GB) plc.
    Shoreham Harbour, one of my favourite parts of the city, features prominently through the book and I’m immensely grateful to Rodney Lunn, CEO, Chief Engineer Tony Parker and Deputy Chief Engineer Keith Wadey. As someone who, like Roy Grace, is both scared of heights and claustrophobic, I’m also indebted to David Seel, James
Seel and Barry Wade of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services for coaxing me all the way down that 200-foot sheer descent into the tunnel beneath the harbour, and to Keith Carter and Colin Dobson of Scottish Power for giving me such a great tour and information about Shoreham Power Station.
    Thanks as ever to Chris Webb of MacService, who has unlimited patience, for ensuring my Mac knows who is the boss …
    Very big and special thanks to Anna-Lisa Lindeblad, who has again been my tireless and wonderful ‘unofficial’ editor and commentator throughout the Roy Grace series; to Martin and Jane Diplock, incisive new members of this team; and to Sue Ansell, whose sharp eye for detail has saved me many an embarrassment.
    Professionally I have my publishing dream team to thank: the wonderful Carole Blake representing me; my awesome publicists, Tony Mulliken, Sophie Ransom and Claire Richman of Midas PR; and there is simply not enough space to say a proper thank you to everyone in Macmillan, but I must mention my superstar publishing director, Wayne Brookes, and editor, Susan Opie. And massive thanks are due to my wonderful PA, Linda Buckley.
    Helen has as ever been tirelessly supportive, and my canine friends continue to keep me sane. The ever-cheerful Coco, lovely Phoebe and totally laid-back Oscar never let me put in too many hours without reminding me it’s time for yet another walk …
    Lastly, thank you, my readers, for the wonderfully enthusiastic support you give me. Keep those emails, tweets and blog posts coming!
    Peter James
Sussex, England
[email protected]
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This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
    DEAD MAN’S GRIP. Copyright © 2011 by Really Scary Books/Peter James. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
    eISBN 9781429981491
    First eBook Edition : October 2011
    James, Peter, 1948 –
    Dead man’s grip / Peter James.
    p. cm.
    ISBN 978-0-312-64283-9 (hardback)
    1. Grace, Roy (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Police—England—Sussex—Fiction. 3. Stalking—Fiction. I. Title.
    PR6060.A472D427 2011
    First published in Great Britain by Macmillan, an imprint of Pan Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited
    First U.S. Edition: December 2011
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