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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Autoren: Gilbert King
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    tensions between T. Marshall and, 69–70
    F. Williams alignment with, 191–92, 202–4
    White Citizens Council, 339
    Wilkins, Norton, 86–87, 93–94, 140, 141, 153, 202
    Wilkins, Roy (acting secretary, NAACP), 69, 181
    shootings of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin, and response of, 246
    Williams, Bill (sheriff, Broward County, FL), 277
    Williams, Franklin (NAACP attorney), 21 , 71, 110, 120–23, 125–37, 153, 186, 189, 190, 210 , 333
    alignment with W. White, 191–92, 202–4
    ambition of, to argue before U.S. Supreme Court, 190
    appointed ambassador to Ghana, 358
    on N. Bunin’s investigative report on Groveland Boys case, 200
    concerns about personal physical safety, 137, 168–69, 174–77
    on Florida State Attorney Jesse Hunter, 145–46
    Groveland Boys appeal to Florida Supreme Court and role of, 190–91, 193–94
    Groveland Boys appeal to U.S. Supreme Court and role of, 215–17, 222
    Groveland Boys retrial and role of, 224–25
    housing and transportation issues while in Florida, 126
    joins NAACP legal staff, 120
    oratorical skills, 182
    post-Groveland Boys trial high-speed chase, and threat to, 174–77, 183–85
    pretrial hearings, pretrial motions, and defense strategy in Groveland Boys case handled by, 142–49, 155–56
    pretrial investigation of Groveland Boys case by, 125–37, 142, 152, 160–62
    search for Florida attorney for Groveland case, 126–27, 136, 143–44
    tensions between T. Marshall and, 202–4
    trial proceedings in Groveland Boys case and work of, 155–74
    work on Isaac Woodard legal case, and speaking tour, 121–23, 181
    Williams, Rabun (physician), 250
    Woodard, C. Van, 337
    Woodard, Isaac, police assault on, blinding of, trial, and speaking tour with Franklin Williams, 21 , 111, 120–23, 181, 201
    Workers Defense League, 204, 211
    investigation into forced labor in Florida citrus industry, 212
    Wright, Louis T., 31–32
    Wright, Richard, 26, 28
    Wyland, Ben F. (clergyman), 355

    Yates, James (deputy sheriff, Lake County, FL), 33, 84 , 100 , 180, 304, 321 , 322
    beating of C. Greenlee by, 74–75, 130–31, 135, 138–42, 184–85
    beating of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin by, 124–25, 127–30, 259–62
    beatings of black laborers by, 82
    FBI investigation of, 138–42, 194–95
    first questioning of C. Greenlee by, 65–66, 213
    Fruitland Park rape case and, 356
    grand jury fails to indict, for Groveland Boys beatings, 194–95
    perjury and conspiracy indictment against, 356
    plaster casts made by, 156, 166, 180, 312–14, 315, 319, 323–25, 356
    removes Groveland Boys to prevent lynching, 62, 88, 130
    shootings of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin and role of, 230–31, 234–36, 237, 238, 243–44, 245, 247
    testimony at Groveland Boys (W. Irvin) retrial, 300–302
    testimony at Groveland Boys trial, 166
    testimony on his removal of W. Irvin’s pants as evidence, 156, 294–95, 301–2
    Yde, Emil, 78

    M Y MOST SINCERE thanks go to Jack Greenberg, the Legal Defense Fund attorney who served as Thurgood Marshall’s right-hand man throughout the Groveland Boys case. Professor Greenberg’s assistance was invaluable to me, as he patiently explained, clarified, and otherwise pointed me in the right direction with regard to the many questions I had in the research and writing of this book. I could not be more appreciative of his generosity, candor, and willingness to help me tell this story.
    I am eternally grateful and forever indebted to Ted Wells, Jeffrey Robinson, and Debo Adegbile at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund for all that they did to arrange my access to the LDF files. Adrienne Cannon in the Manuscript Division at the Library of Congress was instrumental in this process, too, and I’m thankful for her help and guidance along the way.
    There were a great many people who were kind enough to spend time talking to me; sharing notes, memories, clippings, photographs, and records; and helping me to better understand this story, this time in American history, and Thurgood Marshall. In particular I would like to thank Cecilia “Cissy” Marshall, Evangeline Moore, the late Stetson Kennedy, Vernon Jordan, the late Norman Bunin, Gloria Samuels, Kim Howard Turner, Gary Corsair, Ben Green, Mark Tushnet, Daniel Richman, Alexander Tureaud, Rachel Emanuel, Isaac Flores, Susan C. McCarthy, Caxton Doggett, Ernest Hekkanen, Robin Bridges, Kathleen Eckelt, and Marvin Dunn. I count each and every one of these conversations as a gift, and I am most thankful for their
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