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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Gilbert King
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265–66. See also Assaults on blacks by law enforcement officers; Lynchings of blacks
    Raiford, Florida State prison at, 178
    Groveland Boys removed from jail to, in order to prevent lynching, 62–68, 88, 130
    W. Irvin returned to, following retrial, 332–33
    W. McCall visits death-row prisoners at, 263–64
    physician examination of Groveland Boys in, 135–36
    F. Williams interviews Groveland Boys in, 127–32
    Rangel, Charles, 40
    Rape cases, 50–52, 70, 86, 153–54, 356. See also Groveland Boys rape case and trial
    Rape complex, southern, 51–52
    Ratcliffe, Robert (news reporter), 330
    Raymond, Harry (news reporter), 14–16, 19, 20
    Red Scare, 34, 82, 153
    Reese, Mabel Norris (news reporter), 124 , 135, 202, 38, 359. See also Chelsey, Mabel Norris
    on blacks fleeing Groveland at white mob violence, 84–85
    changing attitudes of, 321–22, 330, 339, 360
    coverage of Groveland Boys (W. Irvin) retrial, 296, 299
    coverage of Groveland Boys trial by, and strained relationship with F. Williams, 109, 156, 157–58, 163, 164, 171, 174, 180–81, 182, 183
    coverage of Platt children being denied access to education, and resulting Pulitzer Prize nomination, 340–41, 345
    on Deputy J. Yates, 180
    divorce and remarriage, 358
    on T. Poston, 183
    praises T. Marshall and Brown v. Board of Education ruling, 339
    present at questioning of W. Irvin following shooting, 241–45
    protest against grand jury investigation of W. Irvin’s commutation, and violence directed at, 355
    relationship with J. Hunter, 345, 350
    on Sheriff W. McCall, 81, 98
    shootings of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin and response of, 239, 245, 250
    support for civil rights movement, 358
    Reeves, Frank (NAACP attorney), 260
    Rent parties, Harlem, 23–24
    Report of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights , 134
    Rickey, Branch, 27
    Ridgway, Matthew (U.S. general), 222
    Robeson, Paul, 25, 28, 34, 152–53
    Robinson, Jackie, 27, 282
    Rogers, Elmer and Mrs., and son Elvie Dean, murder of, 52–53
    Roosevelt, Eleanor, 30, 31, 70, 278
    Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (U.S. president), 30–31, 76, 338
    Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Williams College, 226
    Roper Survey, 226, 288–90
    Rosewood Massacre, Florida (1923), 94
    Roxborough, Mildred (NAACP secretary), 44, 46
    Rutledge, Wiley (Supreme Court Justice), 186, 188–89
    Rynearson, Spencer, 236, 250

    St. Clair, Stephanie “Queenie,” 26, 28
    St. Petersburg Times , 241, 344, 355, 359
    reporter N. Bunin’s investigation of Groveland Boys case, and exposé in, 199–200, 204, 222, 267
    Samuels, Gloria (NAACP secretary), 46
    Saturday Evening Post (periodical), 266, 295
    School desegregation, NAACP legal work on behalf of, 43–44, 143, 185–91, 203, 205, 333, 335–40
    School inequalities, 42–43, 107. See also Education
    Scott, Julia, 28
    Scottsboro Boys case, Alabama, 86, 152, 347
    Scottsboro Defense Committee, 347
    Scully, Vincent, 22
    “Separate but equal” standard, 43, 44, 43–44, 198, 338
    Shelley v. Kraemer , 137
    Shepherd, Charlie Mae (wife of Henry Shepherd), 95, 96, 149
    Shepherd, Henry (father of Samuel Shepherd), white mob destruction of property owned by, 84, 95–97, 132, 149, 226
    Shepherd, James (brother of Samuel Shepherd), 37, 96, 148–49, 292
    Shepherd, Samuel (Groveland Boy), 36–39, 72 , 233 . See also Groveland Boys; Groveland Boys rape case and trial
    arrest of, 124–25
    beatings of, by law enforcement officers, 67, 124–25, 127–30, 135, 138–42, 147, 184–85, 259–62
    confession, 129, 134, 178
    conviction overturned by U.S. Supreme Court, 219–20
    fight with Willie Padgett, 38–39
    gives warning to lawyer F. Williams, 168–69
    home destroyed by white mob, 92
    indictments against, 109
    interviewed by F. Williams, 127–30
    ninety-day stay of execution for, 194
    relationship of, with W. Irvin, 310–11
    removed from Tavares jail to prevent lynching of, 62–68, 130
    as returning military veteran, 132–33
    shooting and death of, 230–39, 242–43, 249–53, 263–64
    trial testimony, 168–69
    trial verdict, 173–74
    Shepherd v. Florida , 215–18, 219–20, 222
    Shull, Linwood (police officer), beating of Isaac Woodard and trial of, 121
    Simms, George (brother-in-law of H. T. Moore), 275, 276, 281
    Singleton, Henry
    bolita operation run by, and relationship with Sheriff W. McCall, 114–15, 167
    as witness in Groveland Boys trial, 149, 167, 172
    Sipuel v. Board of Regents of Univ. of Okla., 187–89
    Small’s Paradise (Harlem club), 23
    Smith, Marvin,

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