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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Autoren: Gilbert King
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Kluger, Simple Justice , p. 224.
    22  “One entered the city”: Jackson and Dunbar, Empire City , p. 687. Architectural historian Vincent Scully was critical of the 1963 destruction of Pennsylvania Station, noting,“One entered the city like a god. One scuttles in now like a rat.”
    22  “Ride the Surface Way”: Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Photographs and Prints Division, New York Public Library.
    23  “Put that gun away!”: Janaya Williams, “Jason Moran Takes Fat Waller Back to the Club,” NPR Music, May 13, 2011, http://www.npr.org/2011/05/13/136274480/jason-moran-takes-fats-waller-back-to-the-club.
    23  “We got yellow girls”: Dance, From My People , p. 170.
    24  “was so busy arguing”: Ted Poston, “On Appeal to the Supreme Court,” The Survey , January 1949.
    24  “How much is that”: Williams, Thurgood Marshall , p. 99.
    25  “You know how much”: Ibid., p. 100.
    25  “To Be Demolished”: Schomburg Photographs and Prints Division.
    25  “perhaps the most modern”: Wald, Josh White , p. 48.
    25  “live on that attractive”: “Down Under in Harlem,” New Republic , March 27, 1944.
    26  “father of black American”: “In Sugar Hill, a Street Nurtured Black Talent When the World Wouldn’t,” New York Times , January 22, 2010.
    26  “that legend, only”: Kurt Thometz, “The Harlem Revue,” Jumel Terrace Books, http://harlemrevue.wordpress.com/on-harlems-heights/.
    26  “talented tenth”: W.E.B. Du Bois, “The Talented Tenth,” in The Negro Problem .
    26  “the White House of Harlem”: Aberjhani and West, Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance , p. 320.
    26  At one of White’s parties: Greenberg, Crusaders in the Courts , p. 32.
    26  “NAACP’s unofficial”: Clark and Davis, Thurgood Marshall , p. 101.
    27  They called their little group: Ibid.
    27  “Buster had a weak”: Williams, Thurgood Marshall , p. 163.
    28  “social capital of Negro America”: Ebony , undated article from 1946.
    28  “Good Luck, Joe.”: Schomburg Photographs and Prints Division.
    28  “they treated him like”: Wilson, Meet Me at the Theresa , p. 104.
    28  “distinguished service”: NAACP Bulletin, May 1946.
    28  “cannot be legally”: Crisis , May 1944.
    29  “brought about the most”: NAACP bulletin, May 1946.
    29  “Lest you think”: White to Marshall, NAACP, May 8, 1946.
    29  “Oh, yeah”: Ibid.
    29  “very reasonable rates”: Marshall to staff, NAACP, June 13, 1946.
    29  “an award coming”: Crisis , August 1946.
    30  “carrying around a fever”: Marshall to Ransom, NAACP, undated.
    30  “callous and inadequate”: White, A Man Called White , pp. 63–64.
    30  “Citing red tape”: White to Louis T. Wright and Dr. Ernst P. Boss, NAACP, undated, 1946.
    30  “cancer of the lung”: Marshall to George Slaff, NAACP, undated.
    30  “due solely to the fact”: White to Board, NAACP, September 9, 1946.
    31  “I warned you not”: Rowan, Dream Makers, Dream Breakers , p. 132.
    31  “The President only”: Ibid.
    31  “You know,” the deliveryman: COHP, Marshall.
    31  “twenty-pound”: Williams, Thurgood Marshall , p. 137.
    31  “Virus X”: COHP, Marshall.
    31  “not more than three”: White to Board, NAACP, September 9, 1946.
    31  “far from out of”: White to staff. NAACP, July 12, 1946.
    31  “Give them the bad news”: Ibid.
    32  “taking it more than easy”: Marshall to White, NAACP, October 1, 1946.
    32  “I will have a difficult job”: Ibid.
    32  “It is doubtful”: White, A Man Called White , p. 314.
    Chapter 3: Get to Pushin’
    34  “top Cabinet, military”: St. Petersburg Times , July 15, 1949.
    34  “ambitious to become”: Ibid.
    34  “certain secret work”: Ibid.
    34  scattered wooden shacks: St. Petersburg Times , April 9, 1950.
    35  Rumors around town: FOHP, Williams.
    35  Her reputation around: Unredacted FBI File 44-2722, (Groveland) Boxes 156–157; Unredacted FBI File 44-4055, (Civil Rights, Irvin, Shepherd, Greenlee) Boxes 222–229, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD. This was based on several sources, among them the reports of FBI field agents who interviewed Lake County residents, as well as Groveland Police Chief George Mays, in July and August 1949. Reporter Ormond Powers of the Orlando Sentinel investigated the alleged crime and reported his findings on
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