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Double Cross

Double Cross

Titel: Double Cross Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: James Patterson
Vom Netzwerk:
helped him in Baltimore? What were those numbers on the side of the mailbag supposed to mean
    And what would happen if he tried to top himself again?
That one hung over our heads like a weight about to drop—probably not
    The Sheraton Suites over in Alexandria would be a nice trip down memory lane for Bree and me. It was where the two of us had had one very special evening. The Sheraton was right in the middle of the historic Old Town area and a short walk to the Potomac waterfront. It was a good place to end today, and I couldn’t wait to see Bree.
    A little before nine, I took a seat at the Fin and Hoof Bar inside the hotel and ordered a cold beer on tap. The bartender, a burly, friendly young guy with a heavy mustache, looked me over. “You Alex?”
    My heart sank a little. Strangers almost never give cops good news. “That’s right,” I said.
    “Then I guess this is for you.”
    He handed me an envelope with the hotel logo. I recognized Bree’s handwriting and opened the letter at the bar. I read,
Alex—Change of plans.—B
    Inside the envelope, I also found a hotel card key.
    “Have a nice night, Alex,” said the bartender with a smile that suggested Bree had given him the envelope herself. “I’m pretty sure you will.”

Chapter 77

    I TOOK THE ELEVATOR to the third floor of the Sheraton Suites and knocked on the door of 3B. Everything was exactly as I remembered it. For starters, there was a nice scent in the air. When Bree answered in jeans and a blouse, however, I was surprised. Actually, I’d been expecting a little less.
    “Hope you don’t mind spontaneity,” she said, and handed me a glass of red. It smelled spicy—zinfandel? I didn’t really care what kind of wine it was, or the brand.
    I started to kiss Bree, and my hand immediately drifted down the back of her blouse. Suddenly her arms were around me. I heard the door
behind us, and we were enveloped in the soft blues and creams of the hotel suite.
Good idea. Keep the world away for a while, as long as we possibly could
    The drapes were already drawn, and the bed was turned down just so, everything in its place. “That bed looks inviting. Sleeps nice too. I remember.”
    “Get undressed,” she said with a grin. “Don’t even think about sleeping, Alex.”
    I looked at her over the top of my wineglass. “You in a hurry or something?”
    “Not at all.”
    Bree sank down into a cushiony club chair to
. There was a twinkle in her eyes. “You can take your time, if you like. Please do. Just take something off, Alex. I’m in no hurry whatsoever.”
    So I did what I was told. I went one button,
one kiss
, pair of pants,
two kisses
—that kind of thing.
    Then Bree pushed herself up. She came forward and held me in her arms. “Don’t take this the wrong way—I’m
in no hurry.” We finally toppled over onto the bed, which definitely was comfy.
    “What about you?” I asked her. She hadn’t taken off a single thing yet.
    “Oh, I’ll catch up with you. Eventually.
in a hurry for some reason?”
    Bree stretched across me, then reached and opened the nightstand drawer.
What was in there
    She took out the last thing I was expecting to see:
two lengths of rope
    Hmmm, interesting development.
My heart was starting to race.
    “Is that for you or me?” I asked.
    “Let’s say it’s for both of us.”
    I trusted Bree, right? No doubts, no suspicions?
Well, maybe a couple of questions right then. In a few moves, she looped my left hand firmly but not uncomfortably to the bed. Then she kissed me. A reassuring kiss on the mouth, followed by a second, harder one.
Did I really know Bree?
    “Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?” I asked.
    “I hope it’s getting hot,” Bree said.
    She tied my right hand to the bed next. Bree did know her knots.
    “This why you became a cop?” I asked. “You a control freak, Detective Stone?”
    “Could be, Dr. Cross. We’ll soon find out, won’t we? You’re looking very yummy, there.”
    “Your turn,” I said. “Clothes off.”
    She flirted with her big hazel eyes, and I must say, I was definitely starting to enjoy this—whatever it was. “Say
    “Please. But can we hurry this up a little?”
    “So, you
in a hurry?”
    “Little bit now.”
    “Little bit, huh? I don’t know if
is the operative word around here right now.”
    Bree’s blouse went first—slowly—then her jeans, leaving a soft blue lace bra

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