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Dr Jew

Dr Jew

Titel: Dr Jew Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Crayola
Vom Netzwerk:
    "David, no, please!"
    "Well, you asked for it taking your time about it."
    She came back, not looking me in the eye and got down to sucking it proper this time. Timely. It's all about punctuality. I don't consider myself a hard man but you let them start slacking off and they'll rib you for a dozen. It almost makes me sick, this world.
    She was going at it full chickenhead style deep like I taught her from making her watch those porn films and I stopped her. "Let's put the belt on you," I said.
    "Please, David. Not –"
    I should have whipped her up for that but I knew it was just token resistance, her ignorant nature, and when she whined sometimes like that it gives me a little extra rise for some reason. I ignored her and put the belt around her neck.
    "Please, David."
    "I did not go requesting no conversation, as I recall," I said.
    I put her back to work on it with my left hand on the back of her head and the right holding that belt tight and red, a good grip on the skin. It had like a jackhammer quality knowing she's getting to work and hot but barely getting air with her throat all full and that belt strapped on her neck. It was an amusing image to behold.
    She went that way with me jerking her like a horse, and I had sweet memories rekindled from my boyhood days in Mississippi and a bit of sadness sprinkled in knowing I 'd probably never ride a horse again, stuck in this overpriced city of yuppies and Chinamen. I know I could head up to Sonoma any day and pay some liberal faggot to ride some kid's pony and pretend it was a real farm or ranch. But that'd be missing the point and almost worse than any substitute like this. Sometimes you have to settle back and let life change how it will and accept it and know it's out of your hands now.
    She was slowing down. She was slowing down for some ungodly reason just at the time when she should be speeding up and few things infuriate me so much as being blocked from what is mine by things breaking and not working as they are supposed to work. Especially when it's a trick as old as sliced bread and something she should know by now. What with her putting that beer in front of the boy instead of me and now this it's enough to make a man sit down and cry like a little girl were I not made of sterner stuff.
    Now she stopped altogether.
    "What in God 's hell are you –"
    Her eyes closed and tongue hanging out all saggy as her breasts, I had to hold her up with the belt unti l it became a matter of You made your bed now lie in it and she fell to the floor.
    "Goddamn it, woman."
    I was all set to go and couldn 't just stop in the middle like a machine so yes, I used my hand like a disgruntled teenager and aimed it at her face turned all red. It wasn't dragged out and I could see she wasn't too red yet and getting a little air (think her belly was moving) so I wasn't too worried about getting that belt off her and like I said You made your bed now lie in it .
    I did unfasten the belt afterwards though and lay her out on the floor and could see she 'd be alright. I had a mind to smack her awake and watch her lick my seed off her lips and swallow but I was tired out at the moment and just let her be. Because you gotta give 'em breaks sometimes no matter how lazy and good for nothing they are. And not because they "deserve it" or it's "fair" but because you push them too far and too hard and I guarantee you they'll crack or backfire, and either way you lose. You put a belt on their neck, okay, but you gotta leave them space to breathe. I've learned that much.
    Her natural color was coming back. Her breathing was starting to look something normal. I shook her leg.
    "Hey," I said. "Wake up, you slug of the earth."
    And I laughed because it was a fu nny picture and a funny thing to say and me and all being me. Her eyes fluttered a little and this time I could tell she wasn't faking sleep but actually coming up from a twisty bit of slumber. Her body kind of gave a spasm shiver that ran up her spine to her neck. She'd be fine. Funny how a person can be both strong and weak like that in the same moment. I shook her leg again and stood up over her.
    "Get up," I said.
    Her eyes opened all white and pupil, scared.
    "Oh," she said. "Oh. Oh, my head. What –"
    "Just close your lip, woman, and get your scrawny asshole up on that bed."
    She sat up, rubbing her neck like we don't all got problems.
    "I said get on that bed and not tomorrow," I said.
    She started to and groggy and

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