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Dr Jew

Dr Jew

Titel: Dr Jew Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Crayola
Vom Netzwerk:
empty skin, empty hair, empty breasts, empty cunt, empty ass, empty, empty, empty brain, empty heart, so that when the lights go out and the cover is pulled over us there is no possibility or conceivability of violation or even the scent of emotion from her quarter for she is not there, she is gone. No, no, no, we are dead here together, moving, not moving, together. Athete's foot smell it lingers so long beyond the valerian, under the coconut.
    Who is he talking what is he why. I just – I'm just – all full of him and he not even on it he just circles whatever it is he's on but he won't just and on it talking and talking just. The pain shut the pain. For I swear. For all the pain has just awakened within me the circuit connected a flare-up that grip. And yet even in the agony I recognize a kind of beauty for where would these thoughts be etched in the invisible without these nightmares these abominable spheres that hold me in bubbles and the hands of the dead and my doubts it will ever end and I'll ever get my memories back what I once was and forget all this. I swear I once could tell between good and evil.
    Even I am becoming sore now as I imagine she must have been from the first go and boredom is setting in for once it 's been shot beyond that primal yes scream it's just a matter of this is really stupid yes. And now my mind embryos to other ticks craving complexity and more suggestive patterns and new travails just that I may return and prove the old trick, discard the snake skin. But we may have another go in me yet. Yes another go. Squeeze and up, come on, guy. Another. Come on. Under and behind the balls I reach and up with two fingers massage the perineum, keep it inside her pay attention squeeze and bring breath in the energy up the spine up and up.
    My god is he still –
    I punch her in the left check of her buttocks she mewls like a cat or a cow… just imagine that, a cat-cow something between the two. There would be a sweet animal you could milk and almost have intelligent relations with, not conversations I'm saying but more than your average cow and a little smaller no doubt.
    I 'm going to be sick again why did he hit me. God the room spinning –
    Oh god is she spilling it on the floor again? You go to the trouble to hit a girl below the waist and still she gets sick on your floor. Ah, the price we pay. But perhaps it inspires me yet as I do declare I feel that voluptuous tingle on the rise and rise and still she keeps grunting – you don't expect me to stop now because she's been sick – not when I'm this close – all the more reason to go on, lightning doesn't twice and me not the man I was in my youth, we take a chance when it greets us. I give it maybe a minute till the fire. Let it be done.
    Is he counting. Numbers and all that I just want him out of me. Even I'm not sure I'm awake but I know he's inside even as I couldn't point to my body. And the pain has when it's always there it's almost as though it went away it becomes a condition of acceptance, accept it, and find a new place, a new way, find a harmony to meet and settle this vast asymmetry that is all I see or seem to remember ahhhhhhhhha
    Tear it to pieces in the lurking brown horror pit feel her terror and go on. Yes my braille cinderella the prince shall before midnight come. Onward the drill staccato of Mozart still down the hall or from my desk or the memories forever within my heart, within without ears that vast sexspace of Mozart he haunts me with cerebral beauty this juice I can't stop drinking because like a cactus its spines keep climbing with nonsense now a hiccup a stab a circular rejoinder singing spearing this one in in in all all all the time HAHAHHAA
    ::: White space all around:::


    "My guest today is Sergio Simpatico, creator of the Nice Nazis. He's gonna tell us about his next film in that series. Welcome, Sergio!"
    "Hi. I should say that this next film is actually not part of the Nice Nazis series."
    "It 's not?"
    "It 's not. No. Sorry. I'm done with those films. No Nazis. No Anne Frank."
    "I think your fans are gonna be hugely disappointed to hear that. Why would you go to the trouble to create characters like Paul, Mooshi, and Anne Frank, only to sweep them under the rug?"
    "Well, I didn 't create Anne Frank. She was a real person. Even Mooshi is based on a real cat."
    "Ha ha! That's hilarious."
    "Is it? But yes, I have nothing to add to those movies. I think I'm capable of more."
    "Whatever. So

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