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Dr Jew

Dr Jew

Titel: Dr Jew Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Crayola
Vom Netzwerk:
little creatures crawl over me Egyptian slaves moving pyramid blocks here comes the flip that bitch like a pancake her mad flesh I feel okay and know it'll come again just give it a chance again oh I wobble her face down and my office is become an AMP and I am become an energy medicine eastern engineer we no use no germ model we shall take you apart western girl ha ha ha no settle down you. Her back and that coke bottle shape and that rump I start feel the tingle that chemical churn the butterscotch the soldiers get in line the snails unravel come out of their shell for whatever experience or world may engulf them in tinnitus color the tone bends. I give myself a hand, dipped in coconut oil and give it the rub, one hand on the trunk the other on the head. It starts to tighten and inflate so I aim it her way all my manhood. We have two options at this point, two ports of call, if you will. I will. I go for the forward option, the vaginal rerun if you will, but like seeing it through a different format. Why am I discussing.
    I can taste the leather of the chair and I don 't have opinion about the flavor and he did it and I just want my thoughts back, ah I feel him back there some medicine he prods pokes and my eyes are closed maybe? Oh he's inside to let it ring, let it breathe. And like a factory these things get formalized formatted patterned out and… and… something gets taken away. But there's a guarantee in the jiggle the jazzy pattern may seem free but there are only so many options but there's a guarantee. Ah whatever we begin it always takes us there all roads lead to Rome. As she grunts I squeeze her buttocks and I don't care what that grunt imparts, we are two and never the twain shall meet but in violent impact as NOW and NOW and NOW et cetera ad infinitum rum tum tum every thrust carved in stone on the backside of the universe. Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. We've been in here for days without food or water living off the energy released like a nuclear reaction, there's an idea, a power plant run on orgy power some dastardly awesome combination of Wilhelm Reich and Nikola Tesla. Remember to send that off to Smert or Dannon, one of those fellows, more up their line. I keep slapping her back but I'm not sure she's awake. I'm tempted to pour a wax resin upon her and capture every globule of sweat and mount her on the wall like a ghastly moose head. This is getting me nowhere.
    I come out come up for air. Regrease with coconut oil the safest alternative those nasty lubricants and the like. But I need more in the reload and plunge more, the darker regions, anal. She grunts again as I lodge it in, ah a tighter 'un, and yes she's awake after all, we shall. Onward Christian soldiers onward. "I am a doctor please remember spare your dignity have to do. Try to relax, try not to try." I sigh and continue the hypogastric venture.
    My god what 's he doing is he where I think. How did I think it would turn out when I began this day.
    Just bickety boc kety bam boo stick it deep. My body is prolific and produces enormous quantities of hair, fingernails, and semen. Of course I'm going to unload it, what would you have of me – yes, right there. Not sure if I'm the active component at this point or she or the room or the primal vibrations of the universe. But I am glad I can sit back and watch even if it's my own me I am watching. My fingers like chopsticks niching into her fat and skin with cheese grater dynamics. In the crepuscular cold I feel another night coming and that's what I mean. That's what I watch out for.
    I 'm not sure I could call this a good feeling perhaps even pain he goes on back there like he's talking is it to me or I think he's talking to himself he hardly seems even like a doctor or noticing me like… like… and on he goes his drool licks my back and again he rams and rods and won't slow he won't slow he just he has it greased and that smell is kind of sweet, a fruit, what is that grease smell all up on his hands.
    Was it melatonin on the first or second shot. Was it no, no. That horrid valerian smell that was how it began, how it always begins, with others I've forgotten. Can they be mixed and does it matter now with my syringe flesh up inside so deep around within exploring her, does it matter now. No. But what manner of doctor I am, what manners. No bedside manner, this. My doctatorship extending only to a business card and stencil on the door. All I wanted was the perfect empty vessel,

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