Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies
“owner, cook thwart restaurant robbery” and ran was also the son of my mentor, Fletcher. Finn was like a all the way across the damn page in fifty-four-point type. brother to me and one of the few people I trusted since I drew in a breath, but the grease and spices that flathe old man’s murder. Finn was also my handler now, for vored the air from the morning’s cooking didn’t soothe lack of a better word. He didn’t like my decision to reme the way they usually did. I stared at the newspaper tire, as it robbed him of his lucrative fifteen percent hanagain, wondering how I’d been so sloppy as to get the dling fee, but he understood why I’d done it. That I was Pork Pit plastered across the front of it. honoring Fletcher’s wishes. Besides, Finn had plenty of Publicity was one thing I didn’t need. The very last other less-than-legal schemes to keep him busy—when thing I needed. I hadn’t advertised my services when I’d he wasn’t out fucking anything in a miniskirt or attending Estep_Web of Lies_1P EP.indd 48-49
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some high-society function and rubbing elbows with his cue fix on, and the phone ringing off the hook with takeclients who were even more devious, crooked, and danout orders. Instead, a lone woman huddled in a booth in gerous than he was.
the back of the restaurant, out of sight of the storefront
“Besides,” Finn continued in a matter-of-fact voice. windows. A young girl who looked all of eighteen, nine“You can’t kill the reporter. Nobody wants him dead, teen, tops.
ergo, there’s no one to pay your rather substantial fee. Nobody else sat at the long counter or in the booths. Remember what Dad said—never work for nothing.”
Not a single person stood outside staring in through the Finn took another sip of his coffee. I drew in a breath, windows, and no one had called for takeout. Not even letting the rich caffeine fumes fill my lungs. Fletcher my Tuesday regulars. Hell, nobody besides the girl had had drunk the same chicory coffee when he’d been alive, come in all morning, not even the mailman. He’d just and the familiar roasted smell comforted me better than slid the day’s bills through the mail slot and scurried on a warm hug. Finn was right. I couldn’t kill the reporter to the next stop on his route as though this were a house for doing his job. No matter how much trouble he’d just of lepers.
caused me with his story.
“And you wonder why you don’t have any customers,”
“All right, so I won’t kill him,” I said. “How about Finn murmured. “Jonah McAllister’s put the word out you ruin his credit instead? Call in his mortgage or somethat you are persona non grata. And I’m sure the story in thing?”
the newspaper didn’t help matters, either. Nobody wants
“Mortgages,” Finn scoffed. “Dime a dozen in this city, to eat someplace where they might not have cleaned up penny ante, and not worth the trouble.”
the blood yet.”
He drained the rest of his coffee and stared at me.
“What does McAllister think he’s going to do?” I
“What about the kid, the would-be robber? Did you asked. “He can’t keep people away forever. The food’s too know he was Jonah McAllister’s son when you broke his good. Even if he could, I still wouldn’t starve.”
wrist and threatened to slit him from groin to gills?”
“Thanks to my years of wise monetary advice and stel“It wasn’t a threat so much as a promise.” I shrugged. lar investing skills,” Finn not so humbly stated.
“And no. Didn’t matter to me who his daddy was then, I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, thanks to your skills. If Jonah and it doesn’t matter to me now.”
McAllister thinks a couple of days of lousy business are Finn swiveled around on his stool and looked at the going to intimidate me into dropping the charges against rest of the restaurant. Just before noon on a Tuesday. Dehis loser kid, then he needs to think some more.”
spite the gray clouds and cold, rainy weather outside, I
“Jonah McAllister doesn’t know who he’s dealing should have had at least twenty customers by now, with with,” Finn replied. “If he knew you were the assassin more coming in every minute, all eager to get their barbethe Spider, he’d probably just borrow a couple of Mab Estep_Web of Lies_1P EP.indd 50-51
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Monroe’s giants to try to kill you before you could testify her
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