False Friends - Taschen Guide
not exist. You need to use the term ‚halterneck‘ instead.
An amusing case of direct translation has to be ‚hand-shoes‘. You need to say ‚gloves‘ (Handschuhe).
Please note that if you ever need to talk about the following things, be careful. There is potential here for a high cringe factor! In British English, ‚slip‘ means Unterrock, and ‚vest‘ means Unterhemd. If you need to talk about Unterhosen – one never knows! – women's are called ‚pants‘ or ‚panties‘ and men's are called ‚underpants‘. In American English, ‚pants‘ are Hosen, so simply use the term ‚underwear‘ if it's something you wear drunter.
With clothing, avoid:
Say this instead:
I am going to a prize event this evening and I need a smoking.
Heute Abend gehe ich zu einer Preisverleihung und brauche dafür ein Rauchen. ↓ ↓
I am going to a prize-giving event this evening and I need a dinner jacket (BE)/tuxedo (AE).
… und ich brauche dafür einen Smoking.
Is there a vest with this jacket too?
Der Brite versteht: Gibt es dazu ein Unterhemd? ↓ ↓
Is there a matching waistcoat (BE)/vest (AE) for this jacket?
Gibt es zu diesem Sakko/ dieser Jacke eine passende Weste?
Excuse me, I want to buy a jeans-jacket. Do you sell these?
Entschuldigen Sie, ich will eine Jacke aus Jeans kaufen. Haben Sie so was? ↓ ↓
… I'd like to buy a denim jacket. Do you sell them?
… ich möchte eine Jeansjacke kaufen.
Hello, I need some help. I'm looking for some slippers.
Guten Tag, ich suche Pantoffeln. ↓ ↓
… I'm looking for some casual shoes/loafers.
Guten Tag, ich möchte ein Paar Slipper.
Other things to avoid:
Say this instead:
Excuse me, where is the next warehouse?
Entschuldigen Sie bitte, wo ist die nächste Lagerhalle? ↓ ↓
Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest department store is?
Entschuldigen Sie bitte, wo ist das nächste Warenhaus?
I want to buy a liquor to take home as a gift. Can you show me something typical or traditional for here?
Ich will eine Spirituose/ Alkohol als Geschenk für zu Hause kaufen. … ↓ ↓
I would like to buy a liqueur … (You need to pronounce this as likior. Liquor is pronounced likker.)
Ich möchte einen Likör als Geschenk kaufen.
Marmalade is always a good present. What sorts do you have?
Zitronenmarmelade ist immer ein gutes Geschenk. Welche Sorten haben Sie? ↓
Jam is always a good present. Which types do you have?
Marmelade ist immer ein gutes Geschenk. ….
Excuse me, where's the cash? I want to pay for these things now.
Wo finde ich das Bargeld, bitte? Ich will diese Sachen bezahlen. ↓ ↓
Excuse me, where will I find the till/ the check-out counter? I would like to pay for these things now.
Wo finde ich die Kasse? …
This cup is a gift for my mother. Please could you pack it in a carton because I'm taking it back to Germany in my suitcase.
Diese Tasse ist ein Geschenk für meine Mutter. Könnten Sie sie bitte in eine Tüte tun, weil ich sie nach Deutschland zurücknehme? ↓
This is for my mother. Please could you pack it in a box because I'm taking it back to Germany in my suitcase (and I don't want it to break).
Diese Tasse ist ein Geschenk für meine Mutter. Könnten Sie sie bitte in einen Karton tun, …
Small talk
Is small talk the big, bad wolf of business English? Many non-native speakers are certainly afraid of it. Small talk is important for creating long-lasting business relations and for making a good impression in social circles. If you do not practise, you cannot improve, but before you dive right in, do take note of some more of those typical false friends.
Phrases for business situations
It's relatively easy to say hello to someone and ask how he or she is doing. Here are some less obvious phrases that are useful to know in business situations.
Example 1
Birgit has just arrived at her company's office in the UK.
Birgit: Hello, I have a meeting with Mr Johnson at 14 hours. I am sorry I am late. I went to the wrong stock: 32 instead of 23.
Receptionist: (Understands the mistake ‚stock‘ because Birgit mentioned the floor numbers). It's ok. I will call him and tell him you're here. Please have a seat while you're waiting.
Birgit: Thank you. There was a little hectic today because my machine from Hamburg fell out and I had to fly one hour later.
Receptionist: (Confused about what it means when a machine falls out.) Here's Mr Johnson now.
Birgit: Mr Johnson, hello!
Bill Johnson: Hello! Please, call me
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