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Guardians of Ga'Hoole 11 - To Be a King

Guardians of Ga'Hoole 11 - To Be a King

Titel: Guardians of Ga'Hoole 11 - To Be a King Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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sides sometimes.”
    Theo blinked. He had never thought of these enormous creatures with their thick fur and tough hides as being ticklish.
    “Then at the end of the firthkin where the ice piles up, there is a cave. That is where you can find Svarr.”
    “And you say it is close to where Lord Arrin has his stronghold?”
    “Yes. But it’s not the closeness. It’s the smee holes that are important.”
    “Smee holes? Why are they important?”
    “We polar bears love smee holes. We love the hot steam that comes from them and the lovely thermal baths that surround them. Svarr especially loves them. He’s getting on a bit and has a touch of stiffness in his shoulders. The hot water helps. Anyhow, a long time ago, polar bears discovered that smee holes conduct sound very easily. Svarr is a nosy sort of fellow and he found it interesting to listen in on various conversations, if indeed any were going on while he was soaking. I went to visit him myself several moon cycles back on behalf of Siv to learn what LordArrin was up to. Svarr will be able to help you.” She paused. “And, by the way, give him my best and tell him that in two years we can meet up again. Same time, same place.”
    Theo thanked Svenka and spread his wings. Just as he was about to loft himself into the air, he heard the cubs. “Mum, can we swim with him just to the end of the firthkin?”
    “Oh, all right, but don’t you dare go out into the big firth. Promise?”
    “We promise!” they chorused.
    Theo flew low and the cubs, swimming on their backs below, babbled on the entire time.
    “Don’t you think it’s unfair that Mum won’t let us see any battles?”
    “Yeah, she never lets us do anything except sit at seal holes and bash them when they come up.”
    “It was fun at first, but then it got boring.”
    “Have you ever fought in a battle, Theo?”
    “Well, yes, and I didn’t much like it.”
    “How come?” Rolf asked. “Were you scared?”
    “Of course I was scared. You’d have to be yoicks not to be.”
    “Yoicks?” Rolf asked.
    “You remember, Rolf, Auntie Siv used to say that all the time. It’s like polar bears say ‘blairn,’ and owls say ‘yoicks.’”
    “And now,” said Theo, “for this owl it is time to say good-bye. Be good cubs and turn around and swim back.”
    “All right.” They both sighed. “Bye, Theo.”
    “Bye, Rolf. Bye, Anka.”
    It was close to midnight by the time Theo reached the end of the tickle, and it was narrow. But just before the end, he spotted the most immense bear he had ever seen. Could this be Svarr? The bear was sitting upright and looking down at something. Theo flew lower. The bear heard him, raised a paw, made a soft patting motion on the air, and then drew the paw to his muzzle as if to indicate quiet. A dark head emerged from the hole and then there was a sudden thwack that reverberated into the night and caused the waters of the tickle to slosh violently. Blood spread across the ice before the bear had even hauled the seal from its hole.
    “Be with you in a minute,” he said as he proceeded to rake his middle claw down the seal’s belly and neatly peel back the skin. He began scooping out the blubber.
    “Mmmm-mmm, that is one tasty seal.” He turned to look at Theo. “What can I do for you?”
    “Are you Svarr?”
    “Oh, no! What’s she up to now?”
    “How’d you know?”
    “Svenka has become quite social of late. Most un-bearish. She seems to consort with owls.”
    “Well, from what I understand, you know quite a bit about owls yourself,” Theo said.
    “Indeed, I do. But they don’t know about me.” The great bear looked amused.
    “What interests you so about owls?” Theo was genuinely curious.
    “Their politics, their wars, their scheming blairney ways. Very entertaining.”
    “Well, I count myself lucky for meeting you,” Theo said amicably.
    Svarr looked up for the first time at Theo. “I’m glad you didn’t take offense.”
    “No offense. It’s true. I really don’t care for the politics myself. Or the war.”
    “So, why are you here, and where do you come from?”
    “Originally, I come from the Firth of Grundenspyrr, not far from here.”
    “Good sealing up there.”
    “Yes. But now I come from another place in the S’yrthghar—the Southern Kingdoms. I come as an emissary of King Hoole.”
    Svarr put down a bloody hunk of blubber and opened his eyes wide. “You do, do you?”
    Theo nodded.
    “I hear

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