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Guardians of the West

Guardians of the West

Titel: Guardians of the West Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: David Eddings
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number of armed men.
    "How close do you need to get to break in the gate?" Silk whispered to Garion.
    "The closer the better," Garion replied.
    "All right. We'll have to move up a bit, then. The fog and the tall grass should help."
    "I'll go along with you," Barak said. "Is it likely to make much noise?"
    "Probably." Garion said.
    The big man turned to Hettar and Mandorallen. "Use that as your signal. When Garion knocks the gate down, you start the charge."
    Hettar nodded.
    Garion drew in a deep breath. "All right," he said, "let's go." Crouched low, the three of them started across the open field toward the city. When they were no more than a hundred yards from the gate, they sank down in the tall grass.
    "Garion," Durnik's thought came from out of the growing light, "we've captured all the catapults."
    "Can you see the ones on the north cliffs yet?"
    "It's probably going to be just a few more minutes."
    "Tell Brendig to start just as soon as he can make them out."
    They waited as the eastern sky grew steadily lighter. Then a series of solid thuds came from beyond the city, followed after an interval by the sound of heavy rocks crashing through timbers and by startled shouts and cries of pain.
    "We've started," Durnik reported.
    "Garion," Polgara's thought came to him, "are you in position?"
    "Yes, Aunt Pol."
    "We're going to start up the inlet now."
    "Let me know when you're in sight of the city."
    "Be carefully, Garion."
    "I will."
    "What's happening?" Barak whispered, eyeing the men atop the city walls.
    "They've started dropping rocks on the north cliff," Garion replied softly, "and Anheg's got the fleet moving."
    Barak ground his teeth together. "I told him to wait until all the catapults were out of action."
    "Don't worry so much about that ship of yours," Silk murmured. "It's very hard to aim a catapult when you're dodging boulders."
    "Somebody might get lucky."
    They waited tensely as the light slowly grew stronger. Garion could smell the salt tang of the sea and the heavy odor of evergreens as he surveyed the stout gate.
    "We can see the city now, Garion," Aunt Pol reported.
    Shouts of alarm came from inside the city, and Garion saw the armed men atop the walls running along the parapet, making for the seaward side of Jarviksholm. "Are we ready?" he whispered to his two friends.
    "Let's do it," Silk said tensely.
    Garion rose to his feet and concentrated. He felt something that was almost like an inrushing of air as he drew in and concentrated his will. He seemed to be tingling all over as the enormous force built up in him. Grimly he drew Iron-grip's sword, which he had left sheathed until now in order to conceal that telltale blue fire. The Orb leaped joyously into flame. "Here we go," he said from between clenched teeth. He pointed the sword at the gate, standing solid and impenetrable-looking a hundred yards in front of him. "Burst!" he commanded, and all his clenched-in will surged into the sword and out through its flaming tip.
    The one thing that he had overlooked, of course, was the Orb's desire to be helpful. The force which struck the gates of Jarviksholm was, to put it very mildly, excessive. The logs disappeared entirely, and chunks and splinters of that tar-smeared gate were later found as much as five miles distant.
    The solid stone wall in which the gate had been mounted also blew apart, and many of the huge, rough-hewn blocks sailed like pebbles to splash into the harbor and the inlet far from the city. Most of the back wall of Jarviksholm crumbled and fell in on itself. The noise was awful.
    "Belar!" Barak swore in amazement as he watched the nearly absolute destruction.
    There was a stunned silence for a moment, and then a great shout came from the edge of the woods as Hettar and Mandorallen led the charge of the massed Rivans and Chereks into the stunned city.
    It was not what warriors call a good fight. The Bear-cult was not composed entirely of able-bodied men. It had also attracted into its ranks old men, women, and children. Because of the raging fanaticism of the cult, the warriors entering the city frequently found it necessary to kill those who might otherwise have been spared. By late afternoon, there were only a few small pockets of resistance remaining in the northwest quarter of Jarviksholm, and much of the rest of the city was on fire.
    Garion, half-sickened by the smoke and the slaughter, stumbled back through the burning city, over that shattered wall, and out into the open

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