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I Should Die

I Should Die

Titel: I Should Die Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Amy Plum
Vom Netzwerk:
forward to meeting your husband one of these days,” Jean-Baptiste said.
    “I’m not sure he feels the same way,” Mamie remarked with an amused gleam in her eye, “but I will have a talk with him and we will see how things develop. In the meantime, I thank you for your offer of protection. I will be in touch.”
    “As you wish, madame ,” Jean-Baptiste responded. “You are in complete control of the manner in which things proceed between your family and mine. Just give me the word and I will provide whatever you request.”
    “ Merci, cher monsieur ,” Mamie said, nodding elegantly, and then turning, led us toward the gate.
    I knew we were fine when we passed the fountain and Mamie, unable to help herself, lifted a finger toward the angel and his lovely burden. “Did you notice that spectacular example of Romantic-era sculpture, Katya? The diaphanous quality of the woman’s dress could only have been achieved by a great master. Surely not Canova himself. But, then again, I wonder. In any case, truly exquisite.”
    Mamie’s fury had passed. I smiled. “Yes, Mamie. I’ve noticed it before.”

    PAPY WAS WAITING ANXIOUSLY IN THE KITCHEN when we walked in, toying with an untouched cup of tea. “It’s time for us all to have a talk,” Mamie announced before Georgia and I could escape to our bedrooms. She herded us into the salon, gesturing at the chairs she wanted us to take.
    I hadn’t seen Papy since everything had happened. He glared at me, his features broadcasting anger, fear, and disappointment. “To say that I am furious would be a wild understatement,” he said, clutching the arms of his chair.
    “I’m so sorry, Papy,” I said, meaning it.
    He sat there looking hurt for another moment, and then all at once he was like a balloon deflating. He leaned back in his armchair and closed his eyes, his look changing in a second from “force to be reckoned with” to “tired elderly man.”
    He opened his eyes and focused on me. “When I forbade you from seeing Vincent it was for your own protection. Not so you would throw yourself into the midst of a supernatural battle.”
    “There were bigger things going on than just me and Vincent, Papy,” I explained. “His whole house was in danger and I thought I knew who was betraying them.”
    “Damn his house,” Papy stated succinctly, his anger returning.
    Georgia broke the silence. “Vincent’s kind of a nonissue now, Papy, having been reduced to basically a ghost.”
    My chest tightened as she said it. Though I was already fully aware of the situation, it somehow made it worse to hear it stated so directly.
    “I told your grandfather what happened yesterday,” Mamie clarified.
    Papy huffed to show that though he was informed he still didn’t approve, but his stern look softened a little.
    “Okay,” I conceded. “Take Vincent and his house out of the equation. We’ll just talk about our house. About me.” I steadied my voice. Getting emotional was not going to help my case.
    “If you remember, Papy, the numa who showed up at your gallery weren’t after Vincent. They were after me, because one of his kindred had informed them I killed their leader. I was sure I knew who had told them. And Georgia and I went to prove it.”
    “I never thought it was Arthur,” began Georgia, but Mamie shot her the stink eye and she shut up.
    My grandfather shook his head in disbelief. “Why in the world would you girls take that upon yourselves?”
    “Because Vincent didn’t believe me,” I responded.
    “It’s true that Kate uncovered the traitor. No one suspected Violette,” remarked Georgia.
    Papy’s old, vein-lined hands curled into fists and pounded the chair’s cushioned arms. “The end result doesn’t matter. I wanted you to stay away from them, Kate. Not involve yourself even further in their problems.”
    I could have answered that in a dozen different ways, but felt it was wisest at this point to keep my mouth shut.
    Mamie let the ensuing silence settle before speaking up. “Well, you’ve said your piece, Antoine. And, Kate, you’ve heard your grandfather. Even though you didn’t disobey him in the letter of the law—you didn’t meet with Vincent behind your Papy’s back—your actions put you and your sister in mortal danger. And, whether or not Violette would have captured Vincent later, your actions yesterday led to his demise.”
    “Mamie!” Georgia exclaimed, gasping, as my eyes filled with tears. But although

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