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Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Titel: Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Kresley Cole
Vom Netzwerk:
Cade figured most brothers would have had an exchange of “Sorry” followed by “We’ll work it out.” Not he and his brother—they were prone to break out in fistfights just walking together.
    Yet they’d rarely separated for centuries.
    “Why make me choose?” Rydstrom asked. “You could tell me how to obtain both.”
    She blinked at him. “Because that wouldn’t be... fun?” After casting an inquisitive glance at Cade, she focused on Rydstrom, seeming to will him toward an answer.
    “I want... my crown.”
    Nïx glared. “Well, there went that decision tree. Four words and both of your fates just altered utterly.” She turned to Cade. “What about you? What would you do to restore your brother’s kingdom?”
    He grated, “Bloody—anything.”
    She sighed as if she disapproved of his answer but wasn’t surprised by it. “Would you relinquish your life for it?”
    “I would,” Cade said easily. Life’s too long anyway. He was millennial in age, had no family other than Rydstrom and their sisters.
    At least with his death, Cade could atone. If anyone got to die to save their kingdom, it better be him.
    “Would you give up your own fated female?” she asked. The demons at the table grew quiet.
    Not so easy to relinquish. Answer the bloody question. Cade couldn’t have her anyway. She was forever forbidden to him. Rydstrom’s scrutinizing me. Did he know? Answer it. “Yes, I would.”
    “Very well.” She faced Rydstrom. “Your crown... You and Cade’s gang have been searching for months for a particularly nasty warlock who’s the only one with the knowledge of how Omort the Deathless can be vanquished.”
    Rydstrom narrowed his gaze. “We’ve told no one that.”
    She waved away his words. “Don’t worry, I’ve been telling everybody.” When he scowled, Nïx said, “Problem, though.”
    “Which is?”
    “The warlock’s... been murdered.” She cupped her ear. “Wow, I can hear your hopes plummeting.”
    Cade ran his hand down his face. “How?”
    “Sucked dry by a red-eyed vampire.” Both Cade and Rydstrom tensed.
    “This leech... he lives still?” Cade inched forward in his seat, already envisioning how to torture the vampire to retrieve the warlock’s stolen memories. The Woede had no love lost for vampires.
    “He does!” Nïx said. “And I even know where he is.”
    With a kingly motion of his hand, Rydstrom waved her on. Nïx grew still. Cade drank deeply. Rydstrom, you just fucked up... .
    “You dare wave me about?” Nïx’s eyes flickered silver with anger. “Like I’m your court seer, or the seer’s coffee-fetching intern?” She lowered her voice. “I’m more than twice your age, and two of my three parents are gods.”
    Rydstrom had to know he’d botched this, but he plowed on. “Nïx... ” he said slowly, warningly.
    “Oh, Rydstrom”—she scratched him under the chin and gave him an embarrassed smile—“this mad creature is so soft in the head, she forgot where she put the leech!” She stood to go. “Toodle-oo, the night grows short, and Regin and I have much mayhem to hatch.”
    “Stay, Nïx. I’ll leave. You can continue talking to Cade.” Rydstrom obviously thought he’d have more luck with Nïx.
    In general, Cade was considerably smoother with women than his brother was. Though Rydstrom did love to remind Cade what a “blathering idiot” he’d been the sole time he’d spoken with his fated female.
    Admittedly, he hadn’t been at the top of his game, but blathering idiot? Not in a million years.
    Rydstrom indicated for the rest of the crew to go to the bar. Except for Rök, who gave a vile curse. “Summoned yet again,” he grated, then began tracing.
    Ballocks, there goes my ride. Neither Cade nor Rydstrom could trace any longer. They’d had that ability bound—a punishment for a failed coup.
    I’m going to get Rydstrom’s bloody crown back for him if it bloody kills me... .
    When it was only Cade and the Valkyrie, Nïx said, “You’ll be at the gathering this weekend, yes?”
    He nodded. “How’s the alliance shaping up?” He’d heard Nïx had been actively steering this Accession. For her to take such an interest meant this one could be apocalyptic. Otherwise, Nïx the Ever-Knowing would likely be out shopping, as Valkyrie fancied doing.
    She said, “So far on our team, we have the Lykae, the Forbearers, the Furiae, the Wraiths, the noble fey, myriad demonarchies, the House of Witches, possibly the CIA, and

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