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In Death 06 - Vengeance in Death

In Death 06 - Vengeance in Death

Titel: In Death 06 - Vengeance in Death Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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morning. You resent me because I'm not Marlena. That's who you wanted for him," she said quietly as the color slipped out of his cheeks. "You hoped he'd find someone who reminded you of her, instead you got stuck with an inferior model. Tough luck all around."
    She turned and walked away, and didn't see his legs buckle, or the way his hand shot out to grip the newel post as the truth of what she'd tossed in his face struck him like a fist in the heart.
    When he was sure he was alone, he sat on the steps and buried his face in his hands as the grief he thought he'd conquered long ago flowed through him, fresh and hot and bitter.
    When Roarke arrived home twenty minutes later, Summerset was composed. His hands no longer trembled, his heart no longer shuddered. His duties, as he saw them -- as he needed to see them -- were always to be performed smoothly and unobtrusively.
    He took Roarke's coat, approving of the fine and fluid weight of the silk, and draped it over his arm. "The lieutenant is upstairs in her office. She would like to speak with you."
    Roarke glanced up the stairs. He was sure Eve hadn't put it quite so politely. "How long has she been home?"
    "Less than thirty minutes."
    "And she's alone?"
    "Yes. Quite alone."
    Absently he flicked open the top two buttons of his shirt. His afternoon meetings had been long and tedious. A rare tension headache was brewing at the base of his skull.
    "Log any calls that come through for me. I don't want to be disturbed."
    Roarke merely shook his head as he started up the stairs. He'd managed to put his temper on hold throughout the day, but he felt it bubbling back now, black and hot. He knew it would be best, certainly more productive, if they could speak calmly.
    But he kept thinking about the door she'd closed between them the night before. The ease with which she'd done so, and the finality of the act. He didn't know if he would be able to remain calm for long.
    She'd left her office door open. After all, Roarke thought sourly, she'd summoned him, hadn't she? She sat scowling at her computer screen as if the information it offered annoyed her. There was a mug of coffee at her elbow, likely gone cold by now. Her hair was disordered and spiky, no doubt disturbed by her restless hands. She still wore her weapon harness.
    Galahad had made himself at home on a pile of paperwork on the desk. He twitched his tail in greeting, and his bicolored eyes gleamed with unmistakable glee. Roarke could almost hear the feline thoughts.
    Come on in, get started. I've been waiting for the show.
    "You wanted to see me, Lieutenant?"
    Her head came up, turned. He looked cool, she noted, casually elegant in his dark business suit with the collar of his shirt loosened. But the body language -- the cock of his head, the thumbs hooked in his pockets, the way his weight was balanced on the balls of his feet -- warned her here was an Irish brawler spoiling for a fight.
    Fine, she decided. She was ready for one.
    "Yeah, I wanted to see you. You want to shut the door?"
    "By all means." He closed it behind him before crossing the room. And waited. He preferred for his opponent to draw first blood.
    It made the striking back more satisfying.
    "I need names." Her voice was clipped and brisk. She wanted them both to know she was speaking as a cop. "Names of the men you killed. Names of any- and everyone you can remember you contacted to find those men."
    "You'll have them."
    "And I'll need a statement from you, detailing where you were and who you were with during the times of the Brennen and Conroy homicides."
    His eyes went hot, for an instant only, then frosted to brilliant blue ice. "Am I a suspect? Lieutenant?"
    "No, and I want to keep it that way. Eliminating you from the top simplifies things."
    "By all means let's keep things simple."
    "Don't take that line with me." She knew what he was doing, she thought with rising fury. Oh, she had his number, all right, with his cold and utterly reasonable tone. Damned if he'd shake her. "The more I can go by the book on this, the better it is for everyone involved. I'd like to fit Summerset with a security bracelet. He'd never agree if I asked, so I'd like you to."
    "I won't ask him to submit to the indignity of that."
    "Look." She got to her feet, slowly. "A little indignity might keep him out of a cage."
    "For some, dignity is a priority."
    "Fuck dignity. I've got enough problems without worrying about that. What I need is facts, evidence, an

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