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In Death 06 - Vengeance in Death

In Death 06 - Vengeance in Death

Titel: In Death 06 - Vengeance in Death Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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you dare make me sound like one of your fancy suits."
    "Don't be ridiculous."
    "Now I'm ridiculous." She threw up her hands. "I'm neurotic and ridiculous."
    "Yes, often."
    Her breath began to hitch. She could actually see red around the edges of her vision. "You're arrogant, domineering, egotistical, and disdainful of the law."
    He lifted one amused brow. "And your point would be?"
    She couldn't form a word. What came out was something between a growl and a scream. The sound of it had Galahad leaping from the top of the desk and curling under it.
    "Well said," Roarke commented and decided to have another whiskey. "I've given up a number of businesses in the past months that you would have found questionable." He studied the color of the whiskey in the glass. "True, they were more like hobbies, habits, I suppose, but I found them entertaining. And profitable."
    "I never asked you to give up anything."
    "Darling Eve." He sighed, found most of his temper had slipped away. "You ask just by being. I married a cop," he said half to himself and drank. "Because I loved her, wanted her, needed her. And to my surprise, I admired her. She fascinates me."
    "Don't turn this around."
    "It's just come full circle. I can't change what I am, and what I've done. And wouldn't even for you." He lifted his gaze to hers, held it there. "I'm telling you not to lock the door."
    She gave a bad-tempered shrug. "I knew it would piss you off."
    "Mission accomplished.''
    She found herself sighing, a weak sound she didn't have the energy to detest. "It's hard -- seeing what had been done to those men, and knowing..."
    "That I was capable of doing the same." He set his glass down again. "It was justice."
    She felt the weight of her badge, tangibly. Not in her pocket but on her heart. "That wasn't for you to decide."
    "There we part ways. The law doesn't always stand for the innocent and the used. The law doesn't always care enough. I won't apologize for what I did, Eve, but I will for putting you in the position of choosing between me and your duty."
    She picked up her cold coffee and drank it to clear her throat. "I had to tell Peabody. I had to bring her in." She rubbed a hand over her face. "She'll stand with me. She didn't even hesitate."
    "She's a good cop. You've taught me the phrase isn't a contradiction in terms."
    "I need her. I need all the help I can get on this one because I'm afraid." She closed her eyes, fought to steady herself. "I'm afraid if I'm not careful enough, not quick or smart enough, I'll walk onto a scene and I'll find you. I'll be too late, and you'll be dead, because it's you he wants. The others are just practice."
    She felt his arms come around her, and moved in. There was the warmth of his body, the lines of it all so familiar now, so necessary now. The scent of him as she gripped him close, the steady beat of his heart, the soft brush of his lips over her hair.
    "I couldn't stand it." She tightened her hold."I couldn't. I know I can't even think about it because it'll mess me up, but I can't get it out of my head. I can't stop -- "
    Then his mouth was on hers and the kiss was rough and hot. He would know that was the tone she needed, that she needed his hands on her, hard, impatient. And the promises he murmured as he tugged her shirt aside were for both of them.
    Her weapon thudded to the floor. His beautifully cut jacket followed. She tipped her head back so that his lips could race thrills over her throat as she dragged at his belt.
    No words now as they hurried to touch. With greedy little nips and bites they tormented each other. She was panting when he pushed her onto the desk. Paper crinkled under her back.
    She reached for him.
    "I'm not neurotic," she managed to say.
    He laughed first, delighted with her, delirious for her. "Of course not." He closed his hands over hers and drove into her.
    He watched her come at the first thrust, those golden brown irises blurring, that slim torso arching up. The shocked pleasure strangled in her throat then shuddered out on his name.
    "Take more." His hands were less gentle than he intended as he lifted her hips, went deeper. "Take all of me."
    Through the stunning waves of sensation she understood he wanted acceptance, finally and fully, for both of them.
    She took all of him.
    Later they shared soup in her office. By the second bowl, her head was clear enough to deal with the business at hand.
    "I'm going to be working here for the most part for a while."
    "I'll lighten

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