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In Too Deep

In Too Deep

Titel: In Too Deep Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
Vom Netzwerk:
was raised. Two tiny dancers, a man and a woman, dressed in late-nineteenth-century ballroom attire, twirled slowly, their movements jerky.
    The box looked Victorian.
    It was getting harder to see now. The room was spinning slowly around her. She had to get outside.
    She heard footsteps in the short hallway. A figure wearing a set of high-tech headphones appeared.
    “Oh, crap,” Isabella said.
    Frantically she called on her talent, and for a few seconds, she was able to push back the dark waves of the waltz that threatened to drown her.
    She jammed a hand into the pocket of her raincoat. The business card was still there. Clutching it in her fingers, she crumpled to the floor.
    Fallon would come looking for her. He would notice every detail that seemed wrong or out of place. A business card did not fit into Walker’s decorating scheme.
    The steady beat of the waltz was in control now. She could not fight it any longer.
    The music pulled her into an endless night.

    W yman Austin came to see me this morning,” Zack said. “Told me that he’s resigning from his seat on the Council. The official reason will be the usual.”
    Fallon cradled the phone against his ear and propped his heels on the corner of his desk. “He wants to retire and spend more time with family and friends?”
    The call from Zack was important but Fallon was having a hard time focusing on the conversation. An unpleasant restlessness had set his senses on edge.
    “Right,” Zack said. “The steam has already gone out of the rumors. Word is spreading fast that Carolyn Austin started them. This morning I had a conversation with Hector Guerrero and Marilyn Houston. They are both convinced now that the Council will vote to continue funding J&J and the Nightshade project.”
    “Good, because it isn’t finished yet.” Fallon rubbed the back of his neck, trying to get rid of the tension that had been building within him for the past few minutes.
    “I agree,” Zack said. “Wyman Austin explained that Jenny finally told him the full story of what really happened the night Tucker died, including her role in it. She had been trying to protect her parents from finding out what kind of man her brother really was and dealing with her own guilt. I’m sure you’re aware that Carolyn Austin went into a very deep depression after the loss of her son.”
    “Took more than a year for her to recover. When she did, she became obsessed with revenge. She blamed you and the rest of the Joneses. She set out to try to destroy the family’s grip on Arcane.”
    “Sure,” Fallon said. “I understand vengeance. It’s a solid motive, but there’s something wrong with the timing here.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “It’s been almost three years since Tucker died. Why go after the Jones family now?”
    There was a long pause on the other end of the connection.
    “Must have taken Carolyn that long to concoct a plan.”
    “I don’t think it was her plan.”
    “Got any ideas?” Zack asked.
    “I’ve got a feeling that someone played on Carolyn Austin’s obsession with revenge. That person suggested a way to destroy the Jones family’s grip on Arcane, and Carolyn ran with it.”
    “You’re thinking Nightshade, aren’t you?”
    “I’ll let you work that angle. I’ve got a budget to get through my Council while everyone is feeling more charitable towards J&J.”
    “Congratulations,” Fallon said. “The Jones show of force seems to have worked.”
    Zack laughed. “I don’t think that filling the room with a lot of Joneses was what turned the tide.”
    “Maybe it was my new status as a psychic Sherlock Holmes.”
    “Don’t knock it. Isabella’s defense of your investigational talents is definitely proving to be an asset. Several key members of the Council are now referring to you as Sherlock.”
    Fallon groaned. “Just what I need.”
    “Goes to show that language is everything,” Zack said. “You can thank your new assistant for giving you a new image within Arcane.”
    “You can thank her for Wyman Austin’s resignation, too.”
    “Yeah?” Zack sounded interested.
    “Jenny and I had a long talk out on the hotel terrace. Isabella was there. She helped Jenny deal with what happened on the night of Tucker’s death. There was a lot of crying, and afterward Jenny seemed relieved or something.”
    “Thanks to Isabella?”
    “Lot of good energy around your new assistant,” Zack said.
    “She’s a

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