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Light in the Shadows

Light in the Shadows

Titel: Light in the Shadows Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: A. Meredith Walters
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to my room, feeling like things were clicking into place.  Just the way they should be.

    - M AGGIE-
                    I sat on the cold ground stretching out my legs, bending low over my knees until I could touch my skin with my nose.  Maybe I was weird but I loved to feel the burn in the back of my calves and thighs as my muscles were pulled taut.  The late March afternoon was uncharacteristically cold.  I could see my air puffing out in front of my lips as I tried to loosen up my body for track practice.
                    “Hey, Mags!”  I looked up to see Daniel and the rest of the soccer team heading into the gym for their conditioning.  I gave my friend a distracted wave as I got to my feet.  I leaned down between my legs, resting my palms flat on the track surface and counted to ten before raising my arms up over my head.
                    “Need any help?”  Jake stopped in front of me, giving his signature flirty grin.  I cocked an eyebrow but didn’t respond.  “I can get you to stretch muscles you didn’t even know you had,” he teased and I snorted.
                    “Please save your witty charm for someone it will actually work on.”  I shot him a pointed look and reached down to get my water bottle.  Jake laughed.  He was never put off by my abrasive attitude.  I wasn’t sure if that was comforting or just really obnoxious. 
                    Jake came up beside me and took the bottle out of my hand and put it to his lips, taking a drink.  He really had a problem with personal boundaries.  Eating my food, drinking from my bottle, it was a habit I needed to break.  Before I started breaking other things.  Like his knee caps. “You wound me, Maggie,” Jake teased, clutching his shirt over his heart. 
                    I didn’t bother to say anything, knowing that if I encouraged him he’d never stop and I had to start my training.   There were some days I enjoyed the playful banter but today wasn’t one of them.  I’d been in a horrible mood since last week. 
                    Well, since Clay’s out of the blue phone call to be exact.  I still couldn’t believe he had actually called me after all this time.  Though wasn’t that what I was hoping would happen when I gave Ruby the present?  Didn’t I want that to illicit a response from him in some way?
                    Whatever my subconscious reasons, I had still been pissed by his attempt at casual.  I had found it extremely insulting that he could call me after months.  After everything we had been through together and ask me how I was doing!  If he had been within smacking distance I would have done just that.  My rage switch had been flipped and the only thing I wanted to do was hurt him.  To wound him as deeply as he had wounded me.
                    Clay had always made me act irrationally. 
                    So I had been bitchy and dismissive.  And after I had hung up the phone I felt horrible all over again.  I spent the rest of the night beating myself up for not trying to have a conversation with him.  I had missed out on the opportunity to talk to him, to see how he was doing.  How many times had I moaned about the fact that I just wanted to know he was okay?   
                    But in those five minutes we had been on the phone, my pride had gotten the better of me and I had ruined my chance to restart a dialogue.  To try and repair some of what had been broken.
                    It was too late now, though.  Because I was damn sure Clay wouldn’t bother calling me again.  I mean why would he?
                    I was such a jerk.
                    “My mom called me a few minutes ago and told me I got my early admission letter from the University of Virginia.  It was thick,” Jake was saying.  I pulled myself out of my Clay obsession.  Okay, I needed to come up with a friendly and supportive response here.  But I was feeling anything but friendly or supportive.  Maggie “bitch face” Young was out to play and I didn’t see her taking a nap anytime soon.
                    “That’s great, Jake,” I said, cringing at how fake I sounded.  Jake didn’t seem to notice

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