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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
completely at ease. I imagined the feel of his back against my stomach as we slept and the rub of his backside as he ground it into my crotch as an invitation in the middle of the night.
    "I thought I loved Leon, too." There, I'd said it. I held my breath waiting for Alec to respond. When he didn't, I let the breath out and continued. I'd come this far and figured I might as well just get the story out. "Sounds like a stupid song, but Leon liked his money. The only way he knew how to make cash was trolling. I hated it. I mistakenly thought he'd change when he moved in with me. He did for a while, but it didn't last."
    Alec's shoulders slumped. He'd crouched in front of the television, but sank to one knee as he turned around.
    "I'm clean," I blurted. I wanted to crawl into a hole. As much as I felt freed by finally talking about Leon, the embarrassment of my past crept up on me. "Got tested at the three and six month marks. Nothing. I know we used a rubber, but I thought you should know."
    The introduction music started and the opening credits flashed on the screen behind Alec. The corner of his mouth twitched like he wanted to smile but couldn't. My heart sank. I wanted someone to be honest with me and here my honesty was coming back to bite me in the ass.
    I stood and patted my hip. "Come on, Drag. I messed this up. Again." I crossed the room to Alec and offered my hand. "I'm glad you had me over to visit. I've had a good time." I lied through my teeth. "Parts of the afternoon were great—the kissing, the touching, you putting me down your throat. The rest wasn't so great—my big foot in my mouth, me trying too hard, me realizing my skills at being suave died a tortured death before I met you."
    Alec stood and followed me to the back porch. "We moved really fast," he said in a low tone. "I'm glad you told me. I like a man who is honest." The smile returned to his lips. "The more I spend time with you, the more I like you." He touched my face and pulled me close. "I'd also like another date. We don't have to fuck—just talk."
    The pleading in his eyes speared me right in the heart. How was I going to say no to a look like his? Dragon barreled between us, but I didn't bother to look. All I saw was Alec.
    "How about we try again? My place, Friday night... let's say seven?" I toyed with the wrinkles in his t-shirt.
    "Make it eight and you've got a deal. I have to close the clinic tomorrow so I stay a little later, but the plus side is this is Peeta's weekend in charge. I don't have to go back until Monday. We've got all weekend to...talk."
    "Deal." I pulled Alec into my arm and kissed him. The date might not have gone well, but I'd end it a little better. "See you tomorrow."
    I strolled down the stony path towards the truck with Dragon in tow. Alec waved from the back porch as we pulled out of the parking lot. I grinned. Okay, so I sucked at dates. I knew it. I admitted it. Nothing could bring me down, though. I had a hot guy who wanted to see me and my dog back.
    Something buzzed. I stopped at the intersection and looked around the truck. I did the routine maintenance on the truck so I knew it was in top condition. What the hell buzzed?
    I shared a look with Dragon. He whined and licked the glove box. Glove box? I tipped my head. What the....oh geez. I'd put the phone in there. If I had another voice mail, the thing would buzz. Screw it.
    I waited until I got home and ushered Dragon into the house before I checked the message.
    "It's Leon." He paused and sighed. The guy had a dramatic streak a mile wide. I expected him to cry or something to up the ante. "You always got me. Even when I went through my bitchy phase." Dead silence again. I gritted my teeth. Drama king on line one. "Carson, I want to come home."
    I'd taken a seat on the floor to pet Dragon and good thing. Leon's last statement knocked me for a loop. He wanted to come home? I stared blankly at the base cabinets. I'd closed the Leon chapter in my life and wasn't ready to open it again.
    The line had gone dead, signaling the end of the voice mail so I pressed the buttons to end the call. Part of me wanted to call Leon back and explain to him, once more, why we weren't going to get back together. The rest of me wanted to ignore him. I couldn't hope for him to get the hint that I wasn't interested, but maybe if I didn't respond he'd assume he'd drunk dialed or just dialed a wrong number. I stood and placed the phone on the counter.
    I couldn't make Leon do

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