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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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reports…" he trailed off as I pinched his nipples. We had to make this look good, after all. I licked and bit his neck, and kept him between the rat and me. With Travis as a shield, I could watch our suspect, without being obvious. Boudreaux stretched his neck and leaned his head to the side. Anyone watching us would think it was to give me better access. I knew he was looking through partially closed lids so he could see the same thing I was.
    "Okay, I'm going to call it in, and get the back-up on site," he murmured. "As soon as we get the word they're outside, we'll take a little stroll… see if we can't draw these bastards out. You ready, baby ?" He drew out the word, and ground his ass against my painfully hard cock.
    The combination of nightclub dark and flashing lights gave a false intimacy to the moment. I traced my fingers down his chest, lightly scraping his skin through the dusting of smooth hair. His stomach muscles jumped and twitched at the contact. When I cupped him through his pants he was hard and thick. My mouth watered at the thought of all that cock pounding against the back of my throat.
    We were certainly maintaining our cover. Now the challenge was to stay more aware of our surroundings than we were of each other. I continued to watch the dancers while Travis made a gesture to indicate he was going to the bathroom. Our quarry watched him go, but stayed on the periphery of the dance floor. Since the target was invariably the black guy, we'd not worried over much about Travis being followed when he went to make the call to the Lieutenant.
    Frowning, I checked my watch for the third time. Boudreaux had been gone for nearly ten minutes and I was getting a bad feeling. I set my drink on the bar, signaling to the bartender that I wanted to close out our tab. Just as I removed my wallet from the pocket of my jeans, strong arms wrapped around me from behind. Christ, he already smelled familiar to me . More relieved than I cared to admit, I leaned into his embrace while I counted out the bills and tossed them on the bar.
    "Miss me?" His tongue traced a line behind my ear. I waved off the change and turned in his arms. Cupping his face in my hands, I kissed him. This wasn't like the hot, hungry kisses we'd shared on the dance floor. This kiss was slow and sweet, full of need and layered with oh-so-glad-you're-okay.
    "Mmm… nice," he said, as we pulled away from the kiss. "Dance with me once more before we leave?" He pulled me closer and wrapped strong arms around my back, a gentle rocking motion that had nothing to do with the song playing in the background. I didn't trust myself to speak, my throat felt unaccountably tight. We moved together for a few minutes before he started to speak.
    "So, I talked to Maxine and she called the case. We're off for now."
    I tried to jerk my head back to look at him, but he had me in a tight grip masquerading as an embrace. Slowly, I relaxed and waited for the rest of whatever it was he had to tell me.
    "There've been two more murders— not our guys, but the one the task force is chasing. This time the bodies were left at the St. Louis Cemetery Number Three. The Voodoo Mysteries Full Moon Tours group found them. Apparently, the guide called the press before he called the cops."
    "Dave Marker and his TV3 camera crew were on scene and thought it was a good idea to show the bodies and make the connection between these latest victims and the other three murders. He's tagged it the Vampire murders, and now every station in town is carrying the story. Two of the national morning shows are going to broadcast live in the morning. After Marker's broadcast, people started showing up at Armstrong Park… site of the first murder and where the live broadcasts will be tomorrow."
    "The mayor is fucking pissed about the negative publicity. She doesn't want a single word about the gay bashing in the Quarter to leak on top of everything else. So, we're finished. Boss says we can pick it up in a couple of days, once this other case is put to bed."
    "That means we've got all this," he pumped his hips and his cock brushed against mine, "and nothing else to do with our evening. So, what do you want to do next?"
    Travis pulled back far enough that we could look at each other. I thought his expression might look similar to mine… carefully schooled to hide the frustration. We were here, all the groundwork was laid, and there was one major flaw in the lieutenant's plan if we walked away

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