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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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To go..."
    "To the States, yes. Why?" he frowned. "Is that bad?"
    "No!" Cam exclaimed, feeling his face grow warm. "No, that's great. But... how are you going to live? Without your dad's money..."
    Anton shrugged. "I'll get by. I have a degree from a very good British university. My father sent me there... to learn English. Ironic, huh?"
    "Still." Cam didn't dare meet his gaze. "It means I cost you all that. Aren't you mad at me or something?"
    Anton sighed. "Well, sort of."
    "Sorry," Cam murmured.
    "Yes and no. I was this close to not telling the militia, you know," Anton said casually.
    "So what made you?"
    "Many things. But not the least of them, I realized I'd never be able to be who I am here."
    "Oh." For a few moments Cam didn't know what to say.
    "So that means..."
    "That means," Anton said, and when Cam finally looked up at him, there was a playful glimmer in his blue eyes. "That means this isn't quite a goodbye."
    Cam couldn't help it. His lips curled in a smile, and a kind of lightness and happiness filled him. "I'm in New York, by the way," he said hurriedly as Anton stepped forward.
    "Okay then," Anton said and slipped his hands around Cam's waist, pulling him close. "See you in New York?"
    "See you in New York," Cam replied, seconds before their lips touched.
    Author Bio: Dany Sirene has been writing since she learned to hold a pen, and her life changed forever when she stumbled upon a slash story at the age of... well, too young. She stared at the computer screen in sheer fascination, then opened the word processor and wrote her own. Some years later, she looked at the pile of rejection letters along the lines of "this is very good but we do not accept explicit material" and had an epiphany. She's been writing erotic romance and dark fantasy ever since.
    Her blog .

    by Nallux

    He finally had Jared right where he wanted him - tied up with no help in sight. They had been together for months now and he was tired of Jared always being the top. Turnabout is fair play after all...
    ~ Aspasia

    genre: contemporary
    tags: power play; nonexclusive/exclusive; rope play; jealousy; hurt/comfort; opposites attract; soft-on-the-inside
    content warnings: rough sex
    word count: 23,907
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    by Nallux
    ...the morning after
    "Casey, I'm asking you as nicely as I can, would you just get these ropes off and I promise you, I'll never bring this up again?"
    Casey squeezed the handle of the freezer so hard his knuckles were turning white and kept his eyes on the row of ice cream boxes tucked on the shelves.
    Let Jared go?
    Don't think so.
    "Seriously… sweetie, this isn't something you should be doing right now."
    One fucking pet-name and Casey was going all soft inside. Not like Jared to even say something like that, but he knew damn well how in need of fondling Casey was all the time, so it was pretty obvious the guy would go that low to get himself out of the chair.
    "I'm not doing anything… And it was you who got yourself there, so don't be blaming it on me." Casey picked a box from the shelf and pushed the door closed. He could hear Jared grinding his teeth and that was all enough indication he needed as to how pissed Casey's lover-by-night really was.
    "Don't call me that," he muttered, but as usual, it made no difference what he wanted.
    "Case. I told you to do a simple knot, not to put your fucking scouts DIY-lessons at use." Well, that was true. But Casey really couldn't point out the moment his brain had taken the one-eighty and decided to tie the rope so tight Jared really couldn't get out on his own.
    Actually, thinking about it, he could.
    It was probably way before they even got to his apartment last night, way before he had woken up that morning sore and bruised all over. It had been somewhere around nine o'clock last night when he had realized Jared had totally forgotten about the plans Casey had made for them, and ended up ditching him without as much as a call to let Casey know he wasn't showing.
    Yeah… that was probably it.
    "It's not that bad, you know… You do it to me all the time, so–"
    "I do a lot of things to you all the time but it doesn't mean I want those things done to me. Now get your head out of your ass and untie me!"
    Oh, so pissed.
    Casey took a look at Jared. He avoided the stare because he didn't need to see those blue eyes to

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