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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
at least I can make you listen now ."
    He had asked Jared to show him how to get the ropes off if ever needed, and after weeks of persuasion Jared had agreed. They'd had a close call once when Casey had flipped off completely during some play-time and he had nearly panted himself to death while panicking, because Jared had been way too slow while getting him out of the ropes. So his request was actually very understandable. Casey didn't expect Jared to ever do it again, because now that he finally had his lover tied and restrained, for once, he'd tied the ropes so tight Jared had no way out. Not really what they were meant to be doing.
    "You got me tied, and you want to talk ? Haven't I taught you anything?" Jared snorted. Casey fought a smile and took another spoonful of ice cream. He switched his position in the chair, slid a little lower and lifted his leg enough to press the sole of his foot against Jared's knee. He balanced his position, massaging the muscles under his bare foot in slow circles and looked at Jared.
    "Well… if I have to get you tied to do that, it should tell you something, you know," Casey said. Jared seemingly ignored his words and had his eyes on Casey's shoulders instead. Casey didn't need to ask to know what it was Jared was looking at. The bite marks were more than visible, hurt like hell too, and as Jared's blue eyes traced lower, Casey remembered every second of the previous night. He remembered Jared's hands that had been even harder than usual, fingers that had dug deeper than before. He felt every little bruise he had on his skin and he loved every one of them.
    "I'm actually disappointed in you, Casey." Jared looked straight at Casey now, his voice completely flat and calm. He knew Casey hated that impassive side of him, and it got the job done this time as well. Casey felt a knot of unease settle in his gut, weighing heavily inside him. Jared did this whenever he didn't get his way as soon as he wanted to, and the consequences were always the same; Casey gave in without a fight every time. "You got me here, for the whole night might I add. This is your first full day off in weeks, and you want to spend it talking? How very unimaginative of you."
    Jared never had to worry about schedules or running things someone else's way, because he only worked when he felt like it. At first Casey hadn't realized Jared even had a job, because he never seemed to be doing anything other than what he wanted to do, but once he'd went to Jared's flat for the first time, and he'd seen the photographs on the walls and on the tables and the unorganized mess of drafts and negatives and objective lenses Jared had built in his home, Casey had figured his new acquaintance wasn't at all as unoccupied he'd thought. A freelancer photographer, not at all shy when it came to showing off his work and Casey couldn't blame him.
    Jared was a genius. Every piece of work Casey had seen was perfect and adoring and he could spend hours and hours just lying on Jared's floor and watching the pictures. He had, actually, after they'd humped across the floor like two horny rabbits for God knows how long, and while he had been almost too blurred with satisfaction to do anything else except keep looking at the black-and-white images spread around Jared's apartment, Jared had sat on his desk with his camera and took dozens of pictures of Casey. Naked Casey, as he had pointed out; eventually getting Casey so heated up they'd ended up humping some more.
    Casey however, worked as a management assistant and he was more than bound to set up his day according to someone else's schedule. Jared hated it. He didn't like the fact that Casey wasn't at his use whenever he felt like it, and whenever Casey had a day off or even few hours to spear, it was obvious he would spend it in bed. Or on the floor. Or with his face pressed against the wall while Jared made sure he didn't miss one beat of who it was he should organize his time for. So in a way Casey got why Jared was pissed now. It wasn't just the ropes and the tying but the purpose of this one day off of work getting wasted like this instead of something completely different.
    "You could've showed up yesterday, and we probably wouldn't be here now."
    "I did show up yesterday, remember?"
    "Oh, yeah… kinda hard to forget since my ass is actually still a little sore."
    "Don't tell me you're complaining, Casey… As I recall," Jared grinned and leaned closer as much as he could without

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