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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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getting his shoulders dislocated, "you liked every fucking second of it."
    Wasn't that true.
    ...the night before
    Jared rarely made a change in plans after he got something started, but the last message Casey had left him on his answering machine actually made him feel a little guilty. Just a little. In all honesty, he had completely forgotten they even had anything planned. He still couldn't remember what it had been or what for, but after Casey had said nothing more than 'fuck you' with a laconic tone Jared was pretty much forced to take a raincheck on his dinner with a feisty redhead and go to whatever club Casey was at. No doubt one of those high-end, trendy, boring as hell night-clubs Casey sometimes liked to hit with his flashy, annoying friends. One of those places Jared preferred to avoid by all means. But he was going there now, pissed as hell, but going nonetheless. Surely he could do this for Casey, just this once, and afterwards he could drag Casey to his bed and have his way with his cute little hottie, all willing and wet.
    "Yeah… I can do that," Jared grinned to himself and made a quick search with his eyes through the street. It took him no less than twenty minutes to find an empty parking lot, reasonably close to the club. As soon as he got out of the car, he heard the bass bouncing from the walls, echoing on the street and it was enough to develop a helluva headache.
    Oh, Casey better be willing after this one.
    Jared hardly noticed a group of young women standing on the street, but he did notice their eyes on him. That, however, did very little to move him one way or the other, because recently he was having trouble placing his concentration on anything other than that man now swirling somewhere inside those club walls. No, Jared wasn't one for the whole monogamous-relationship bullshit, but he didn't feel like screwing around as he had a while ago. Simple because every time he did, he wondered if Casey did it as well, and he really didn't need those images blasting through his mind.
    The bouncer took one look at Jared and nodded, making others in the queue more than pissed by letting him through. That happened all the time. People stood outside of restaurants and clubs for hours, but Jared usually just passed them all and went right for it. If the bouncer didn't let him in on the first-go, he never bothered to wait. That happened very rarely though. Casey had once said that there was something so mean in his eyes, that no one wanted to see the look turn into action. Jared doubted it. He was more certain it was the money talking. All of the cash-flow he brought in when he actually hit the clubs, that even the bouncers knew to let him in without a wait.
    As soon as Jared got to the corridor, couple of meters wide and dim-lighted, he figured he wasn't really dressed for the occasion. Yes, this was one of those places where Casey liked to go to with his cock-blocking friends. High-end and trendy, dress to impress, none of what Jared considered even worth spitting on. He met eyes with a petite blond walking by. The woman was dressed in a tiny black dress with pounds of jewelry on her, hair all in place, looks to kill for. Her expression went from 'fuck me' to 'fuck off' when she took another look, obviously making notice of Jared's jeans and worn leather jacket.
    He didn't even bother to take a look at others passing by, because he knew what he would see; stereotypical pre-adults with their money presented in everything they had on them. He wondered why Casey wanted to come to these places. There was nothing there. No one worth looking at, because they were all the same. All just as pretty and clean on the surface, and just as boring and hollow inside.
    Oh shit.
    Jared hit the main room a second before he saw a tall brunette wobbling towards him. If Casey had mentioned he was bringing his office-friends with him, Jared would've passed on the whole thing. But since Casey hadn't, Jared now got an eye-full of one of the most annoying female individuals in the whole fucking planet.
    "Casey said you weren't coming!" Lynn screamed, forcing her voice to be heard over the loud music. Jared gestured his hand towards his ear before swirling it in the air above his head, implying he couldn't hear her, which was only partly true. He could hear her, just didn't want to, but he leaned closer anyways, pushing almost against her to avoid raising his voice. "Where is he?"
    Lynn replied, but this time

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