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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
    "About what happened last night…" Casey dug in with the spoon again and lifted up a big pile of ice cream, lapping over it with his tongue before sucking it in, all the while looking at Jared who had his eyes on the spoon and the ice cream. Judging by the way his eyes narrowed and morphed into darkness a little more, he was evidently watching Casey's mouth as well.
    "So not only do you wanna waste time talking, you also wanna bring in another guy?"
    "Actually, I wasn't going to, but since you brought him up, we should definitely cover that one too," Casey said, absently really, but he could see Jared's focus shift from his mouth to his eyes, staring with anger again. "I was just having a drink with him, and I really didn't appreciate your approach to the situation."
    "There was nothing wrong with my approach. At least I took the time to get there, didn't I?"
    "Oh, should I give you a trophy for that?" Casey asked his voice mocking and amused, very aware of the fact that Jared didn't like to be made fun off.
    "Well done, Jared. Good for you to get there four fucking hours late and join your… oh, wait, how'd you put it…" Casey tapped the spoon against his lower lip and enjoyed the overly pissed look on Jared's face. "Ah yes… fuck for the evening."
    "You're really having a field day, aren't you?" Jared asked and shifted on the chair. Casey shrugged and went back to the ice cream, absently rubbing his toes against the denim-covered thigh under his foot. The ice cream was melting, already turning into a puddle, but he kept with it. It was still better than the bitter taste in his mouth the images of Jared with someone else had left behind.
    That was really the problem. Not just that Jared had forgotten, or that he had someone on the side, because Casey had always known he did. The problem was that he actually cared enough to be bothered by it. They'd agreed to keep it casual, no strings attached, so he really couldn't blame Jared for it. But he did, because it was better than admitting that he was the only one living in a relationship that wasn't a relationship to begin with, just two adults having fun and fucking.
    Except that Casey wasn't really having fun anymore.
    "I wasn't planning on going to the club yesterday at all, you know…"
    "Could've fooled me."
    "I bet… but no, I had something else planned. Just for us. But since you were too hooked up with other… activities… I decided to take Lynn's offer and go with her."
    "Nothing good ever comes from her, so next time she has a master plan such as this, just say 'no'," Jared snorted. Casey pushed his foot a little higher, midway up the thigh and fought a smile when he saw Jared switch his position.
    "You alright there?" he asked. All he got as a response was a firm look and lips pressed in tight line. "I'll take that as a yes."
    Again little higher, and Casey focused on the ice cream instead of the tight muscles he felt under his foot. He took another clump of ice cream, devouring the taste and wandered off with his eyes. Jared really was a piece of art. There wasn't a gram of fat in his body and though he wasn't huge and bulging– not yet anyways though the twitching that increased by the second implied that he would be very soon– he was still a lot bigger than Casey. Taller and stronger, more muscular, more fierce. He had tattoos on his left arm, all the way from his wrist to his shoulder, carrying on to cover his left peck and the left side of his abs. Casey had spent first few night's they'd spent together investigating the shape of the pictures, until he had realized it was really one single tattoo covering a large part of Jared's beautiful body. A dragon, the tail of its spreading across Jared's arm and the rest of it inked on Jared's torso. At first it had been fucking hilarious trying to suck Jared, because the head of the tattoo was right above Jared's groin, jaws open and teeth on display. But now Casey loved the picture, just like he loved everything else on Jared's body. Every part of it perfect, smooth and soft skin above hard and strong muscles.
    A dream come true, really.
    And so fucking far from it at the same time.
    "Are you serious with the footwork?" Jared asked when Casey traced his feet higher, pushing his toes against Jared's groin. He took in another spoonful of ice cream and kept his eyes on Jared when he pushed harder, now clearly feeling the shape of Jared's cock underneath the fabric: hard and solid.
    "I don't hear

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