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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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you complaining, darling."
    "Oh, trust me," Jared muttered with a wicked glow in his eyes, "I'm not complaining. On the contrary, whatever keeps you quiet and concentrated on my cock, is always more than welcomed."
    Casey dropped his gaze, hid the shades of hurt he must've had in his eyes and looked at where his toes were now playing. Jared twitched when he pressed firmly against the bulge, the movement too hard to be considered as Casey's typical ways of persuasion.
    "I guess you're right…" he mumbled and flickered with the spoon in his hand. The ice cream box was going all soft in his hand, delicacies melting into a white mess but he liked the cool surface of that round box against his palm far more than the burning sting he felt in his heart. "Stupid of me to think you'd actually tolerate my voice for more than five minutes."
    "Self-pity is not your friend, Casey," Jared said, obviously amused, but his voice turned into a sharp gasp when Casey pushed in even harder. The chair Jared was sitting on jerked with a heavy push and Casey could see the heat built up in Jared's eyes when he finally took a look.
    "Not really self-pity… You've had your dick in my mouth so many times by now it's only clear you'd rather have that, than actually have me talking." Casey dropped his leg, moved closer to the edge of his chair and leaned his arms against his knees before taking another spoonful.
    "Is this little interlude of yours going somewhere, or am I going to snore myself to death before you're done?" Jared didn't really come across as bored now, not with his cock visibly willing against the front if his jeans, but as usual, his voice was just as laconic as it was every time Casey didn't deliver as soon as Jared wanted him to.
    "Anxious, are we?" Casey said, and licked the last of his ice cream off of his lips, deliberately slow and not at all coy. "You don't think you had enough last night?"
    "There's no such thing as too much cock-worship, sweetheart, so if that's where you're headed with this, then get going. If not, then all the more reason to speed it up so that I can get out of this chair."
    Casey dropped his eyes on his breakfast, swirling his spoon in the soft mess in the box and smiled to himself. Sweetheart… he wished. This was really just a game for Jared, nothing more, and it was all good. Because that's what it should've been for Casey as well. Nothing more than a good time without the world outside pushing in and making everything overly complicated. But Casey hadn't been able to separate the real world from the one they occasionally created between these walls for a long time now. Not that he'd even tried, because these days he wanted to mix those two together and have Jared in the real world.
    Fat chance of that ever happening.
    Casey pushed the spoon in the box and placed the box on the floor next to his chair, slowly and purposely taking his time while leaning even closer, feeling Jared's eyes on him, on the bruises he had all over his upper body.
    "Tell me…" Casey said and pressed his other hand against Jared's thigh. "Was she better than me?"
    "What?" He almost broke out a laugh when he heard the stunned tone in Jared's voice, but ended up pushing higher with his hand instead, slowly and gently, almost caressing when he actually wanted to dig in with his fingers.
    "The woman you were with last night? Was she better than me?" Casey repeated and lifted his eyes to meet Jared's. The blueness was almost black now, so dark and so hazy Casey was reluctant to continue anything other than getting Jared heated enough for them to just lose the ties and the chairs and the clothes and get on with it right there on his kitchen floor. He liked it that way, Jared all in-control and having his way, and Casey was always too reluctant to complain even if he felt hollow inside when Jared would throw his clothes back on and carry on with whatever he'd been doing, like fucking Casey was just an accessory.
    Casey closed the distance in full form, his fingers reaching the bulge while his lips met the fullness of Jared's mouth for a quick peck, before he pulled back and considered the man he'd been looking at for months now without really getting pass the first layers of his existence. Jared looked bewildered, his body relaxed for once and that beam in his eyes was still as heated as ever, but puzzled at the same time.
    "What? You think I don't know what you do when you're not here? You think I didn't know where you

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