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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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corridor to get to the living room, Casey wasn't there. Neither was he in the kitchen, and his bedroom was empty as well. Jared heard water splashing against porcelain, implying that Casey was in the bathroom. And as soon as Jared made his way through the bedroom and leaned against the doorframe, looking at Casey who was wiping his hands on small hand towel, he got even more heated.
    Casey had tossed his shirt off, his upper body now naked and exposed. Casey wasn't one to stop by the gym every now and then, but he had a body that was made to be looked at. Firm and smooth muscles, clean lines and perfect structure. Jared had wanted to photograph Casey the second he'd seen him for the first time, it just happened to be after sex that he'd done it. Not that he was complaining, because the shots he'd got were the best ones he'd ever took.
    "That was really unnecessary… There's no need to be rude towards someone you don't even know."
    "And I suppose you knew him?"
    "No, I met him tonight," Casey said and placed the towel back on the hanger on the wall. He turned to face Jared and leaned against the sink, crossing his arms against his chest. "Why the hell did you come there?"
    "You invited me."
    "No, actually I didn't. I invited you here , and since you didn't show up, I figured we weren't on for the evening."
    "Oh… and that translates into you hitting on another guy?" Jared asked. Casey rolled his eyes and actually laughed.
    "I wasn't hitting on anyone. He bought me a drink, that's all. Not everyone feels the need to fuck every person that says 'hello' to them." Very true, Jared thought. He might've done that some time ago, but not anymore. Not now, when he was all too preoccupied with the man who now looked at him with such foreign feelings blazing from his eyes. Casey had kicked off his shoes and apparently his socks too, because he was standing barefoot in his bathroom, jeans hanging low on his sculptured hips.
    "And you really shouldn't talk to me about hitting on someone else… How fucking dumb do you think I am?"
    "Excuse me?" Jared asked, amused even when Casey pushed off from the counter and stepped closer.
    "You think I can't smell her on you?" he asked and the expression on his face was all loathing and disgust. "Did you have enough time to fuck her before you came to fuck up my evening? Or did she just blow you before you left?"
    "Jealous, are we?" Jared grinned, actually satisfied to see Casey this worked up with just the thought of him with someone else.
    "It takes one to know one, Jared. But yeah, I am jealous." Casey stood in front of him; his arms held low, hands in fists and Jared could see Casey was just starting to get angry. Just warming up.
    "How'd you feel if I came to you with someone else's smell on me? Knowing that an hour earlier I'd fucked someone else?"
    Not a good move…
    Jared gritted his teeth, pictured that fucker again standing next to Casey and touching something he so shouldn't have touched.
    "Doesn't feel nice, now does it?"
    "You wanna get your ass beat, or are you just too stupid to stop pushing?"
    "Oh you're getting all domestic on me, are you?" Casey snarled and moved closer. It was a good thing he still had his jeans on, because even with the layers of denim between them Jared could feel he wasn't the only one getting hard. "Go ahead, Jared, take a shot. I know you want to."
    Jared might've been controlling and dominant when it came to relationships and sex, but he had never laid a hand on Casey outside the bed. Sure, he liked a good spanking every now and then, and from what he'd seen, Casey wasn't complaining, but this wasn't the spanking the guy was talking about.
    "Do not ask for a beating, because you're just about going too far with this, Casey."
    "And since when do you care?" Casey mumbled and pushed him away from the door. "Seriously… I can't even have a drink with a nice guy, but you're allowed to fuck around with whoever you like?"
    "A nice guy? You think he bought you a drink out of the goodness of his heart? Think again, Casey," Jared said and kept his eyes on Casey when the guy walked past him to go to the closet. "He was looking to fuck you, nothing else."
    "You think I don't know that?" Casey asked and looked over his shoulder before he pulled a shirt out of the drawer. "Isn't that what you came here for, so what's the difference? You or him, who gives a fuck?"
    Casey barely got the words out when he was already turned around and pressed against the closet.

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