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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
at the elbows; his top hat was ripped and frayed.
    "Ragstown Station. I've a train to catch. You have fifteen minutes to get us to that station. A bonus is yours if you succeed."
    "Yes, sir. I'll get you there on time. Hop on in," he said in agreeable manner.
    Sam settled his package next to him on the cracked leather seats. He grabbed the side handle as the carriage jerked forward.
    Bobby settled across from him. He set the hatbox next to him on the seat, mirroring Sam's actions. "You're tense, sir. Let me help you."
    "This isn't exactly the place, nor is there enough time."
    Bobby looked him straight in the eyes, without expression, but the color shining through those magnifying lenses was enough to mesmerize Sam. "Of course, there's time, sir. Plenty of time." He dropped to his knees in the space between the seats, and he unfastened Sam's trousers. He then unfastened his filtered mouth covering.
    Sam knew he shouldn't let him do this, not now when his whole concentration had to be on each play of this important game today. But this also was likely the last time he'd have this sort of intimacy with Bobby. He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, trying to relax. His cock sprang free and Bobby took him in his mouth
    His tongue swirled over the head of Sam's cock. He sucked him deep into his mouth, bobbed his head. With one hand he cupped Sam's balls. A fiery liquid heat engulfed Sam. He felt his orgasm rising. There was that tightness and then a shattering release as all the tension flowed from his body as he ejaculated into Bobby's perfectly fashioned mouth.
    Slowly, Bobby released him and replaced the half hard cock back into Sam's pants. He moved to rise, but Sam cupped Bobby's face and held him in place. He opened his eyes and looked down at Bobby. The glass of his goggles, the mouthpiece, separated him and he saw him as though from a distance. A sad wall constructed between them. Gently he replaced Bobby's filter over his lovely mouth. He stroked his thumb back and forth across the metal mouth covering.
    "I'm going to miss you, lovely. I'm really going to miss you." Then he released him, dropped back against the seat and closed his eyes, shutting the world out for just a few moments. He heard Bobby shuffle back into his seat.
    Moments later the carriage came to an abrupt halt, almost throwing Sam out of his seat.
    "Here we are, Constable. Right on time," the coachman called down.
    Back to the cruel world. First Sam and then Bobby leaped down from the carriage, packages in hand. Sam tipped the driver as he'd promised, and then they entered Ragstown Station for the next part of their journey. Sam, slightly less tense than before, thanks to Bobby, still thought a stiff drink would not be remiss about now.
    The station would not be difficult to find, even for someone new to Ragstown. The brightly painted yellow brick exterior, framed in blood-red steel borders, certainly gave it a distinctively gaudy look. Inside, there were the high vaulted ceilings, stained glass electric chandeliers, and beige and red stone floors, and oak benches scattered throughout, offering an uneasy respite for weary travelers. At the center of the lower floor stood a clock tower, looming large and reaching to the ceiling. The echoes of chatter filled the main floor. Entrances lined the walls, leading to each of the train platforms. Signs in red and black were mounted above each entrance. A newsstand sat to one wall, a flower seller another, and the tobacconist across from the newsstand.
    Sam and Bobby walked down the main wide staircase and veered to the right toward the bank of ticket windows. Sam stepped up to one of the ticket sellers and purchased their tickets for Mission Point. As the ticket seller handed him the tickets, exhaustion seemed to settle over him, at the thought of the minefield of bribes that awaited him at the facility. But if all went well, Sam and Ophelian would be together– and they would be free by morning's light. Or at least as free as any fugitives from the law could be in this world. But that was something to worry about much later in the game. For now, he and Bobby had a train to catch.
    The train seemed half empty as Sam and Bobby made their way to the semiprivate compartment Sam had secured. The hatbox and the package containing the decorative respirator mask sat on a vacant red upholstered seat. Sam had procured the semiprivate middle class tickets for this part of the journey because he

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