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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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Sam was at Hill on special scholarship working toward his law degree, and Oberon, the son of a wealthy, influential family, and in possession of a brilliant scientific mind, worked in the sciences, and was several years ahead of Sam. Sam had not exactly run with the same crowd as the popular Oberon, but a time had come when Sam, to earn some extra cash, had volunteered for a science experiment that Oberon was heading in his graduate level. For a short time, the matter of a mere six weeks, Oberon's focus had been solely on Sam's every emotion because of the enhancement drug he was working to perfect. And it was during that time that Sam's love for Oberon had first bloomed. But because of the drug in his system, he'd never been wholly certain his emotions weren't manufactured rather than real.
    "Then it was unexpected when you fell in love with him."
    "You might say that. Quite unexpected. But passions sometimes do have a way of sneaking up on a man." But like a Samponese fireworks display, the passions had shot high, exploded with a profusion of color, and then faded away as Oberon graduated and left Hill, without looking back. Sam had heard that Oberon was offered a prestigious– and highly secret– position at one of the manufactory research and development departments. Sam had lost touch with him for quite some time.
    "I find it interesting that you married him after he became a criminal and was incarcerated below land level. And that he married you even though you were the one who instigated his capture. Did you make him fall in love with you all over again? Is that how you managed to catch him?"
    Bobby was opening up some old wounds. Things Sam wasn't comfortable revisiting. Oberon loved no one but his work. Work that dealt with gases, poisons, and human nature. But there was something in that very dedication– the passion he exhibited when talking about his experiments and his research– that Sam couldn't resist. Oberon did exhibit passion; it just wasn't for people. That was something Sam was very certain of.
    So how was it that Sam was so irrevocably in love with "The Mad Scientist," as he was dubbed by the Intelligentsia? Sometimes Sam thought it probably went back to university and that drug he'd taken. Perhaps it had longer lasting effects than he'd expected. Oberon had called it his "Love Drug." But it hadn't worked on Oberon that way. Only on Sam. And no antidote had ever been developed to alleviate its effects.
    "You've been researching," Sam said, in hopes of diverting Bobby's curiosity.
    "Yes, sir. Just as you've taught me to do. Always examine and understand your subject thoroughly."
    Sam had been devastated when Oberon walked out of his life. He spent another two years finishing off his law degree and finally taking the exams that allowed him to enter the Metropolis Guard Command, where he was eventually assigned to Subdivision 13, the Ragstown Manufactory District. But Sam's personal life was a shambles. What happened at Hill had made it impossible for him to form any sort of lasting love relationship with another person. He'd tried, but nothing had worked. So he'd put everything, all his passion, into his work.
    It wasn't until Oberon went megalomaniac that Sam had been commandeered by the Intelligentsia for undercover duty. Any position he'd risen to within the MGC or the Intelligentsia was all thanks to Oberon Ophelian, who was intent on destroying the world with a new chemical he'd created for one of the manufactories. He made it into something far more lethal than could have been anticipated.
    Sam had been sent in after him, to gain his trust, after he went underground. But somewhere along the way something had happened. Only by being with Oberon did Sam's blood begin to sing again, and his heart begin to beat. When they were apart, honor and duty were everything; but when they were together, nothing mattered for Sam but being with Oberon. It had come to a point when Sam had finally admitted defeat. An honorable life, or a life of crime– no life mattered much– there was no life worth living without Oberon. Even Bobby was worth the sacrifice in order to have Oberon free once more so that they could be together.
    The train slowed, steam hissed, and finally it came to halt in the station. "No more questions, no more answers. We've arrived. Grab the hatbox and follow me. It's not far to the main administration complex." Sam stuffed the packaged mask into a deep pocket of his outer

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