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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
against the fabric. "As you see, I've been prepared to engage in a quite satisfactory conjugal." Sam heard the tightness in his voice— pain— and the pain was present, not remembered.
    "How bad was it this time?" he asked, almost afraid of the answer.
    "Well," Oberon said, as he strode leisurely past Sam. Sam noticed he was thinner; he didn't fill out his clothing half so well as he did at their last quarterly visit. Sam had a feeling he would never last another quarter. Their plan had to come to fruition now. There was no other choice.
    Oberon swung back around to look at Sam, his eyes bright with excitement. "This is him, isn't it? You've brought it."
    Sam nodded. "This is Bobby. My… companion." He stepped closer to Oberon, his lips pressed against Oberon's ear. "Your creation, my companion, to put it correctly."
    Oberon turned his head and whispered against the curve of Sam's neck. "It looks lovely, and does it work as seamlessly as it should?"
    Sam looked into his eyes. "Him, Oberon. I refer to Bobby as him. I think it's probably best to do that in front of the guards, don't you think?"
    Oberon glanced toward the door and the glass window. "Of course. Yes… him." Then he gave a somewhat mischievous grin. "I've stuffed the listening tubes with paper tissues. I used the whole box. Unless we are right near the door, they won't be able to hear what we say. I have been very bad. It will take them some time to clear the pipes. Of course, that's if they were to decide it was worth the effort."
    Sam wound his arms around Oberon and hugged him close. He could feel his ribs beneath the jacket, that impossibly hard erection pressed against his groin, and there was the scent of a strong, cheap soap.
    Sam pulled back and looked into Oberon's over-bright eyes. "You're sure you want to go through with this?"
    "If you leave me here this time, I will go mad. One way or the other, you wouldn't find me here for another quarterly visit."
    Sam knew by the determined look in Oberon's eyes he meant every word.
    Oberon eased out of the embrace. He strutted back and forth before Sam like an overblown cocky rooster. "You know, darling, that before they offer new products to the market for men's virility, they test them on us here first."
    "You've said so before," Sam said cautiously.
    Oberon's gaze turned fixed as he opened his jacket and undid his trousers. His cock shoved free, bobbing before him, so deeply purple and engorged, Sam feared for him. Oberon lightly pulled his cock up, and it was then Sam saw the leather band wound tightly at the base. But he also saw the droplets of blood leaking from beneath the band. He surged toward Oberon. "Get the damned thing off."
    Oberon stopped him. "No. No, not yet. I find I have become rather… tethered to the pain. There are small tacks embedded into the lining of the ring. It keeps me alert in a way I could never have anticipated. Alert and hating with a passion I've never, ever felt so keenly before. I have discovered a new appreciation for the life of flagellants." The smile he gave Sam was cold and tight. "They'll pay, Sam. One day, I'll make them all pay for what they've done to me. Me and all the other brilliant minds incarcerated in this hell."
    Oberon straightened his clothing. It was with some difficulty he adjusted his cock behind the closure of his trousers.
    "Oberon, let me help you. Remove the thing before it damages you further."
    "You don't understand, darling. There will be no erection, no fucking without the ring. They have made me somewhat less of a man while I've been here. This is the only way either of us has a hope of satisfaction during conjugal."
    "We can go without," Sam said in desperation. Like he had any urge to fuck now.
    Oberon cupped the side of Sam's face. "My darling husband, you know as well as I do that they'll be watching. If I don't perform, they will interfere. It's how they get their entertainment. The voyeurism, the necessity of performing like a circus animal, is bad enough, but I won't have their interference during your visit. Especially not today. Now introduce me to Bobby."
    If Sam had any doubts about helping Oberon to be free of this place, they were banished. He had loved this man for what seemed a lifetime. Even loving him, he'd been the one to orchestrate Oberon's arrest before he could further damage the population of the city with his manufactured chemicals. Sam convinced himself that once free— now that they were married— he could

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