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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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keep him under control for as long as was necessary. Deals had been struck, and they must move forward. It was imperative to free Oberon.
    And yet, the cost might just be more than Sam's conscience would easily let him pay without further destruction to his soul. He looked at Bobby as they strode toward him.
    "Oberon, this is Bobby. Bobby, this is Dr. Ophelian."
    Bobby smiled politely, and he stuck out an arm just the way Sam had taught him. "So very pleased to make the acquaintance of my designer."
    Oberon studied Bobby closely. "He's even more than I imagined him to be. I am overwhelmed." He gripped Bobby's hand for a long moment, and then released it. "A good grip. Even some human warmth to it."
    "Circulating tubes," Sam said. "Holson, the engineer, improved upon the design for the heating coil. The machinist created some very fine copper tubing to line the skeletal structure."
    "And the clockwork to keep him running? How long before he runs down?"
    "Another advance by the clockmakers and mechanism designers. He will run perpetually unless we shut him down or some part malfunctions from overuse. He truly is a work of art. The team you put in place is ahead of its time. I handpicked each one very carefully according to your instructions."
    "I can see that. But I want to see more." Oberon looked hungrily, almost lustily at Bobby. "I want to see all of him. All these months he's been with you, and all I've been able to do is think about that— of you and him— and the modifications I'd outlined. It's been hell, love, truly hell. Undress for me, Bobby. Let me see if you are truly an all-purpose automaton."
    "The— the physical components were made— workable by a team of machinists and physicians renowned, and eager to assist, in the various specialties. It was a long and pain-staking process. We culled from the best universities in the country. I believe they have exceeded our— your— expectations."
    "Lovely, lovely. Show me, Bobby. Let me see you and then we'll see what you're capable of."
    Oberon and Sam watched as Bobby began to undress, a placid expression on his face. But Sam was feeling rather something of a tightness in his chest. Once the testing had been accomplished when Bobby was first made, Sam had never shared him with anyone. Even though Oberon was his husband, Sam felt a certain uneasiness in this intimacy that was about to take place. Sam was very certain that even though his sexual arousal was not peaked, Oberon meant to fuck Bobby and likely make a good enough show to satisfy the guard watching them.
    Finally, Bobby was naked and he stood easily before Oberon. Oberon circled Bobby, inspecting him closely for any imperfection.
    "I like what I see. Very much." He ran his hands over Bobby's back, down over his ass, squeezing his cheeks. "He pleases you, Sam?"
    "He has seen to all my needs quite satisfactorily," Sam said, trying to keep his tone even. "His intelligence is unparalleled. His cooking ranks up there with many a great chef of our time. His attention to detail is quite amazing. The fusion of human brain and chemical and machine enhancement has made him— well, the most intelligent automaton on the planet. I doubt that there is another of his kind anywhere on our world."
    "Excellent. Excellent. Such a shame he must be sacrificed." He glanced at Sam. "But he is only a machine, now isn't he?"
    "As you say, Oberon."
    "There is no emotion involved. I specifically called for an excision of that link to be established." He stroked over him again. "No love, no hate, no jealousy, no thought of revenge. Quite perfect."
    "No empathy," Sam said quietly. "His emotional imprint is much like yours, Oberon."
    Oberon glanced at Sam with a narrowed gaze. He looked as if he would say something, but then he smiled. The smile lightened his expression. Oberon had always had a very engaging smile. He released Bobby and then stepped back. He removed his paisley coat, then his vest, and then his shirt.
    "I will try him now. I can't concentrate on anything else until we've satisfied the guard. And this throb of pain, as well as the aphrodisiac-infused oxygen, keeps me too focused on fucking to talk further about the terms of our… the rest of our discussion."
    "Of course, Oberon. He is here at your service."
    "Yes, he is, isn't he?" Oberon removed his slippers and his trousers. There were no undergarments allowed in a place like this. His cock, looking so painfully engorged, shot forward. He turned to Sam.

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